Shi Zui opened his mouth to refute, but he couldn't say a word.

The men and women who look at each other in front are not far away, but it seems that they are the people in the same world. As for others, including her and Lin Zhao, they are just redundant spectators.

They were so focused on each other that they didn't even find her close at hand.

Shi zuizui finally said nothing and turned back.

She was not able to breathe until she got out of the airport.

Lin Zhao followed Shi Zui, looked at her back, and suddenly found that he was not happy.

She's right. Originally, she could forget the bad past forever, and maybe she could always be with Lu.

If he doesn't come back and start all this, she can continue such a simple life.

It was his appearance that broke all the existing peace, and he took away the peaceful life that should belong to her

Shi zuizhuang stood for a long time, and his mind was blank.

Until Lin Zhao pulled her into the car and sent her back to the villa, she didn't slow down.

What did Lin Zhao say? She couldn't hear a word.

Watching Lin Zhao close the door, she finally found her voice: "you knew Lu Sui would pick up the plane early in the morning? So you took me there specially to let me see Lu Sui picking up her plane? Why do you have to detour so much? You can tell me the answer directly."

Does seeing her embarrassed look satisfy some of his abnormal hobbies?

"I said, will you believe it? You are the kind of woman who doesn't die until the Yellow River. From the moment I appeared, you don't trust me. Seeing is believing, I just let you know the truth of some facts." Lin Zhao took a deep look at Shi Zui: "you have grown up, I believe you can argue right and wrong. Go back, I see you go in."

Shi Zui didn't speak again. She turned and entered the villa.

The moment she stepped into the villa, she suddenly felt very strange here, but in fact, she lived here for many days. Time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, she and Lu Sui had registered for more than two months.

It's the cohabitation with Lu Sui for more than two months. She can't remember what kind of life she lived before she married Lu Sui.

Once she thought that Lu Sui's first woman was Dong Qi. Tonight she found that she wanted to go wrong.

Dong Qi may just be an insider. It happens that Dong Qi is also Lu Sui's admirer, so she locks her suspicion on Dong Qi

After standing for a long time, she walked up the stairs with heavy steps.

As she passed Lu Sui's bedroom, she slowed down. After thinking about it, she pushed open the door of his bedroom.

His bedroom is neat and his furnishings are monotonous. Apart from the bed, wardrobe and sofa, there seems to be no extra furniture.

But after she moved in, his bedroom seemed to be full of things she left behind. She has never paid attention to the quality of life. She only wants to make money all the year round, and her life is not exquisite at all.

Lu Sui is the most favored young master of the Lu family. His quality of life is very high, which is completely opposite to her.

They don't match at all. It's not that she belittles herself, but that her character and Lu Sui are really different.

Until her legs were numb, she closed the door and went back to her bedroom.

I don't know how long she tossed and turned. She finally fell asleep in physical and mental fatigue.

The next day she got up on time, went downstairs and found that Wang Yan had prepared breakfast.

Lu Sui disappeared. She suddenly understood that he didn't return all night yesterday

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