Lu Sui should be happy to prepare such a big surprise for Lu Sui?

Before entering the subway, Shi Zui called Shi. Shi Shi is running in the morning. When she learns that Shi Zui and Lu Sui are going to invite her to lunch, she readily agrees.

When Shi ran saw that Shi Shi had finished calling, he said, "sister, Shi Zui, this woman is very resourceful. You should be careful that she sets a trap for you."

Shi Shi smiled at her words: "don't tell me, you're afraid of her."

Shi ran wanted to talk and stopped. He didn't know whether to say something or not. It had been buried in her heart for so long that she couldn't find anyone to talk to.

"I'm your own sister. What can't you tell me?" Shi pulled Shi ran and sat down.

Shi ran lowered his eyebrows and eyes: "what do you think of Zhijing?"

Shi Shi was silent for a moment before he said, "someone told me that he Zhijing is not a simple man."

It was Lin Zhao who told her about it, but it was not simple. Lin Zhao didn't say it carefully.

Maybe she should check out he Zhijing's background first.

"I always thought he was very mysterious. On the day I married him, he had no relatives or friends to attend the wedding. In fact, what I wanted to say was not that, but that he and he were not enthusiastic about me after marriage." Shi Ran's voice gradually faded away.

She can't say these words. Because it is giving, she has the desire to complain.

The smile on Shi Shi's face faded: "he has a woman outside? Don't you say that he loves you very much and you love him too? Logically, your husband and wife should live in harmony."

"He's not cheating physically, but he has ideas about Shi Zui." Shi ran simply said the secret pain in his heart in one breath.

Shi Mei's eyes half narrowed: "how is it possible?"

He zhijingai's person is clearly Shi ran. How can he suddenly be interested in Shi Zui? Shi ran must have made a mistake.

"It's true. Once he drank too much and called Shi zuizui's name when he slept with me. He regarded me as Shi zuizui." Shi ran mentioned this, clenched his fists and burst into tears in his eyes.

Shi Shi was stunned for a moment.

When people are drunk, their feelings are the most real. In other words, he Zhijing does have ideas about Shi Zui.

"Elder sister, what should I do?" Shi ran asked anxiously when he saw that Shi Shi didn't speak.

"Catch he Zhijing's heart back. Since she has the ability to steal he Zhijing's heart, you have to be more capable than her and firmly hold he Zhijing's people and heart in your palm. Otherwise, you will end up with only one." Shi Shi's eyes flashed slightly.

Changhe international is now also in power by he Zhijing. If he Zhijing's heart is stolen by Shi drunk, the situation is not good.

"I've tried everything, but it's useless. He's getting colder and colder to me. Recently, he often doesn't go home because of his busy work. I haven't been in bed for half a month." Shi ran said more and more, becoming more and more anxious.

Coupled with the sudden accident of the Shi family, she is at a loss now.

Shi Shi sighs in her heart. It seems that he Zhijing's heart is completely hooked by Shi Zui. In this case, Shi ran will do nothing in vain?

"You can't be impatient at this time. At least you can't push he Zhijing away. However, you have to calm down and always think of a way." Shi softened.

She underestimated Shi Zui. Now Shi Zui can steal he Zhijing's heart, which she didn't expect.

As a result, she is particularly looking forward to having lunch with Shi Zui and her new brother-in-law this noon.

Lu Sui, her dear brother-in-law


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