Lu Wan walked numbly along the sidewalk.

She was at a loss and didn't know what to do. Although I knew Lin Zhao didn't love her and even hated her, seeing Lin Zhao with Shi Shi with my own eyes still gave her a great blow.

She could even foresee that if she was engaged to Lin Zhao, Lin Zhao would go to Shi Shi even if he tried his best to call Shi Shi.

But can she be willing to take a picture of Lin?

She had never loved someone so deeply in her life. Presumably, such a person will never appear again in her later life.

Lin Zhao made her love, hate and beg. Even the pain he gave her, she took it for granted.

Once she thought that if she had to give up Lin Zhao one day, it would be equivalent to giving up her baby and herself.

Lu Wan was worried all the way. She didn't know how she got back to Lu's old house.

When she recovered, she found that she had walked for three hours, and she didn't feel tired at all.

"Miss, you are back." the servant was relieved when he saw Lu Wan.

Lu Wan looked at the servant blankly. The servant whispered to Lu Wan, "today, there are guests at home. This woman has some kind of token of affection from the master. I thought it was a friend of the master, so I let her in. Who knows, she and she said it was the master's lover and gave birth to the master's child..."

Lu Wan blinked and finally heard what the servant was saying.

A little boy came up to her and whispered to her sister.

Lu Wan frowned and looked at the little boy's facial features. The child was not like her father. But if the other party is not sure, how can they bring their children to the door?

At this time, a woman with excellent appearance came up to her: "Miss Lu, my name is Zhao and Mingsha. I followed Mr. Lu for some time a few years ago. This child is Mr. Lu's own flesh and blood!"

Lu Wan's face was slightly heavy: "wait a minute."

She called Lu Tao and explained the situation here.

Before long, Lu Tao rushed back to Lu's house and brought several men behind him.

"Xiao Wan, you believe in dad. It can't be dad's child." Lu Tao explained for fear of Lu Wan's wishful thinking.

Lu Wan replied softly, "but dad has a lot of affairs. How does dad know it's not his own flesh and blood?"

Although Lu Tao hides it well, there is no airtight wall in the world. Over the years, Lu Tao has secretly raised many young and beautiful little lovers.

Now someone comes to the door and wants Lu Tao to be responsible. She is not surprised at all.

Since playing with women outside, there will be a big disaster one day.

It's funny that Lu Tao is a married man. Shen Hongyue doesn't go out of Zhaitang for many years, but she is still Lu Tao's hairy wife.

Lu Tao was speechless by Lu Wan's words, and his expression was a little dignified: "don't tell your brother about this. You'll be engaged soon, and your marriage can't be affected."

"Dad, if I want to cancel the engagement ceremony..."

Lu Tao's face changed slightly: "absolutely not. The Lu family can't afford to lose this man! Lin Zhao's identity is more than worthy of you. What kind of man do you want? He is the best young talent besides your brother!"

Lu Wan was silent and retreated.

After all, she still couldn't bear to break up with Lin Zhao. She hopes that after she becomes Lin Zhao's fiancee, he will become more responsible and find her well

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