"Zui Zui, you take me to work." Lu Wan pulled Shi Zui Zui up and dragged her out of the living room.

Shi Zui smiled when she saw her angry appearance: "silly girl, I'm not angry. What are you angry about?"

"I won't speak for my brother again. Even if you don't want him, he must be to blame." Lu Wan was angry.

"I didn't think about what would happen with Lu Sui. As a private detective, I can't be emotional. My professional quality tells me that I shouldn't be in a hurry to convict Lu Sui until I find out the reason." Shi Zui went to the driver's seat: "you're angry now. I'll drive."

Lu Wan looked at Shi Zui absently: "I find you have grown up."

In the past, Shi was drunk, impulsive and irritable. When he met Xiao saner or something, he would directly rush to the front and beat him violently. When he was cool, he would say it again. But now, the girl is very rational and calm. It's rare to give Lu random meeting under such circumstances.

"People always want to grow up, not to mention my opponent is Shi Shi. My intuition tells me that the relationship between Lu Sui and Shi Shi is certainly not as simple as it seems." Shi Zui gently dusted Lu Wan's forehead: "you also say that you are forced to grow up overnight? I feel pity for you."

Shi Shi is really capable and scheming, which she must admit.

"You don't have to worry about me anymore. I can deal with Lin Zhao by myself. You don't have to be wronged for me anymore."

Thinking of what happened yesterday, Lu Wan was still very guilty.

Shi Zui was always proud, but she tore open her wound in public and showed it to everyone. It was all because of her.

"I want to stay with you for a while in recent days. I don't want to be alone with Lu Sui. You are the best shield." Shi Zui said and drove out of the villa.

Finally, Lu Wan sent Shi Zui to the detective agency office building.

As soon as Shi Zui entered her office, she saw Lu Sui sitting in her position.

Lu Sui came forward, dragged Shi Zui into the office, and then closed the door: "Zui Zui, listen to me, Shi Shi and I are really not what you think!"

Shi Zui pushed Lu Sui away. She sat down on the sofa: "I want you to answer three questions. First, why did you get Chen Shaoning out of the country and try to put him in a foreign prison so that he can't return home?"

Lu Sui didn't expect Shi Zui's first problem to be so difficult.

"Lu Sui, I want to hear the truth." Shi Zui said word by word: "if you want to lie, don't answer me."

After she waited for two minutes, Lu Sui was still silent.

"The second question. Old man Shi was suddenly released from prison. It was Shi Shi who begged you and you agreed, didn't you?" Shi Zui then asked the second question.

"I......" Lu Sui said again.

Shi Zui's every question poked him to the point. Who says she's a silly sister? She's obviously smarter than anyone.

Two more minutes later, Lu Sui still didn't give Shi Zui an answer.

Shi zuixiu is only glad that Lu Sui didn't lie to her.

The first two questions are paving the way, and the third question is the focus.

"The last question, you can answer yes or no. of course, if it's a lie, I won't listen. Lu Sui, you can't deceive me." Shi Zui got up and went to Lu Sui, straightened his face and forced him to face himself: "look into my eyes and tell me, is your first woman Shi Shi Shi?!"


Roar, drunk finally asked.

The watch is too long winded. If you don't ask for a vote, the babies won't vote. Ha ha, ask for a ticket.

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