Xiaobao soon saw Lin Zhao. He got out of Shi Shi's arms and ran to Lin Zhao: "uncle, I miss you so much."

Lin Zhao picked up the child and looked at the small face in front of him, which looked like Lu Sui. His mood was not to mention how complicated it was.

He forced a smile and said softly, "uncle also wants Xiaobao."

Xiao Bao quickly kissed Lin Zhao several times on his face and twisted happily in his arms.

"He's almost five years old. Let him come down and walk by himself." Shi motioned Xiaobao to come down.

Xiao Bao pursed his lips, but he didn't dare not obey. He went down to the ground, holding Shi Shi in his left hand and Lin Zhao in his right hand. He couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

Shi Shi looked at the child and smiled with tenderness in her eyes.

In his eyes, Lin couldn't help holding the child's hand, but his mind didn't know where it was floating.

That night, Shi Shi and Xiao Bao were very happy.

Lin Zhao played with the children for a while, then went out of the bedroom to smoke outside.

Shi Shi tells Xiaobao the bedtime story and doesn't feel at ease until Xiaobao sleeps.

She didn't see Lin Zhao. She looked all the way and saw Lin Zhao smoking by the swimming pool.

"What's on your mind?" Shi Shi sat down beside Lin Zhao. Through the dim light, she saw Lin Zhao's dark eyes.

This is not in line with Lin Zhao's publicity. Or does he not like Xiaobao returning home?

Lin Zhaola Shishi sat down beside him: "Shishi, sit with me for a while. As soon as Xiao Bao came back, you focused on him and completely forgot that there was another me."

Of course, her heart was full of Lu Sui, and there was never any spare place for him.

Sometimes he also wondered whether he wanted to marry Shi more and more because he was too obsessed and couldn't get it.

"Anyway, thank you for being with me all these years. But you know, I love Lu Sui -"

"Yes, you love Lu Sui, but you are always teasing me, so I can't let you go. Do you remember that you said yesterday that you would be my lover?" Lin Zhao interrupted Shi Shi.

This woman has always been selfish. Even if she doesn't love him at all, she still wants to hold him in her heart.

"After Xiao Bao comes back, my sister should lose without fighting. If so, I don't need to go to this step." Shi Shi's words made Lin Zhao look sideways.

Under Lin Zhao's stare, Shi Shi was a little guilty.

Lin Zhao is different from other wild bees and butterflies chasing her. This man has paid a lot for her and is sincere to her. But is it clear in a few words about feelings? No love is no love.

"I don't think you can get what you want in your life." Lin Zhao put out his cigarette end, threw down this sentence, and turned away.

Shi Shi was very unhappy and shouted at Lin Zhao's back, "don't curse me! I believe in myself. From small to large, I can get whatever I want. This time is no exception. Lu Sui will be my husband in the future. He is Xiaobao's father. The three of us will live happily together!!"

Lin paused as he walked, and a sneer came out of his lips.

The woman is so sure that she will be the final winner, but only he knows that Shi Zui can't lose to Shi Shi, never!

The next day, it was clear and clear. Shi zuizui stood in front of the window stretching. After completing a set of stretching movements, as soon as he looked back, he saw Lu Sui standing behind him silently.

She ignored his existence and wanted to cross him, but Lu Sui grabbed her arm.

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