Without waiting for Lu to answer, Shi Shi hung up the phone.

Hard to get, she will. Lu Sui didn't want to see her. She didn't appear in front of him. Lu Sui wants her to find another man, so she looks for Lin Zhao.

Isn't it fun if she's with Lu Sui's brother-in-law?

After all, she and his lead are too deep, and none of them can leave anyone.

That night, Lu Sui was preoccupied and stayed up all night.

So that Lu Wan was startled to see Lu at any time the next morning. Because Lu Sui looked very haggard, with bloodshot eyes and long stubble, he looked decadent.

"Brother, didn't you sleep last night?" Lu Wan asked with concern, just because she had never seen Lu Sui like this.

"I'm fine." Lu Sui was in a trance.

When Shi came downstairs drunk, she saw the haggard Lu Sui and couldn't help looking more. Strangely, Lu Sui avoided her eyes.

Before she even spoke, Lu Sui hurried away.

"Brother, don't you go to work again without breakfast?" Lu Wanchong asked loudly after Lu Sui's back.

Lu Sui walked faster and soon disappeared. Lu Wan and Shi Zui saw the way he fled.

"He must have done something wrong." Shi Zui thought deeply.

"My brother is also used to seeing the world. It's strange that he still has such a bad attitude." Lu Wan seriously wondered if what Shi Shi said to Lu Sui last night made Lu Sui seem to be a different person.

But she dared not mention it to Shi Zui.

Now the relationship between the two people is already very tense. She doesn't want to make trouble for them.

"What's so strange? I don't know what I did with Shi Shi, so I felt guilty." Shi was drunk and replied in a low voice.

Lu Wan was speechless by her word. Yesterday she felt drunk and careless. Today she is smart and sensitive again.

Shi zuixiu saw Lu Wan's constipated expression and knew he was right. She patted Lu Wan on the shoulder: "it doesn't matter. He and I are just like this. I won't be surprised who he is with and what he is doing."

"In fact, my brother likes you very much. Do you remember when I was a child, my brother was your follower. He was not nervous in front of others, but he became a fool when he came to you. Even now you grow up, I don't think my brother's feelings for you will change..."

"Can you not mention him?" Shi Zui was impatient and interrupted Lu Wan's nagging.

Lu Wan shut up and didn't mention Lu Sui again.

On the other side, Lu Sui was worried after entering the office.

Xiao zhe saw Lu Sui's haggard appearance and looked more. Such a slovenly Lu Sui, he met for the first time.

"Does Lu always have something on his mind?"

Lu Sui's eyes gradually had a focus. He was stunned for a moment and said in a deep voice: "go and find the reporter who took pictures yesterday."

"What reporter?" Xiao zhe was confused by Lu Sui's headless remarks.

Lu SuiXing explained, and Xiao zhe took orders.

It was not difficult to find the reporter who took the picture. Soon Xiao zhe found the reporter who took the picture and took the reporter to Lu Sui.

Lu Sui asked the reporter to give him all the secretly taken photos, gave the reporter a sum of money and sent the reporter away.

After the reporter left, he looked through all the photos, most of which were back photos, only one front photo of the child.

The moment he saw the child's face, his face was gloomy.

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