Considering this, Shi Zui is a little sad.

People are always sentimental animals. If they live together for a long time, they will inevitably have nostalgia. What's more, she has followed Lu.

She even had the idea of having children for him and wanted to be husband and wife with him all her life if she could.

But reality does not allow her to dream again. When it's time to end, she should be bold. People and things that cannot be left behind must be ruthlessly abandoned.

Clearly determined, but still sad.

Shi Zui folded the quilt carefully, turned and was about to leave the guest room, but found that there was a photo on the ground, which might have been put on the bed before, and accidentally floated to the ground.

She bent down to pick it up and saw the picture. At the moment, she had some tears.

It was a group photo of her and Lu Sui. The photos are old, the edges and corners are yellow, and the scenery next to them is still a little scratched.

At that time, she was not long. She wore a pigtail and smiled brightly at the camera. Lu Sui was pressed by her. She looked like a little queen.

It seems that Lou Qin took pictures of them, right? At that time, Lou Qin asked her and Lu Sui to look at the camera. She and Lu Sui looked up and smiled at the same time.

Youth is always simple and beautiful. Even if she had a bad time at Shi's house, Lu Sui always had a way to please her.

In recent years, because of alienating Lu Sui and losing a memory, many things in his youth have become blurred. But after seeing this picture, those memories came alive again.

At that time, only three photos were developed. Lou Qin took one and Lu Sui also took one. She didn't know where she threw her own one.

She didn't expect that after so many years, Lu Sui still kept this photo and even kept it so well. As Lu Wan and orange said, does Lu Sui also have feelings for her?

They grew up together. Whenever she was unhappy, Lu Sui would stand behind her as soon as she looked back. When she was a child, as long as she spoke, Lu responded to whatever she asked. His kindness to her could not be hypocrisy.

Later, because someone erased a memory, she completely alienated Lu Sui. Coupled with Lu Sui's escape from marriage two years ago, she was ashamed. Her situation in the Shi family became more and more difficult, so she hated Lu Sui more and more.

She never thought whether Lu Sui would like her.

If not, why did he say yes as soon as she asked him to marry her?

What kind of woman does a man like him want? Why does he choose to marry her?

Should she ask Lu Sui for clarification before making a final decision?

Shi Zui put down the photos, was full of worries and walked out of the guest room. She went downstairs to the kitchen door and saw Lu Wan busy making breakfast. Her excitement had calmed down.

She sat blankly on the sofa and thought of Lin Zhao and Shi Shi's illegitimate son.

The child's side face lingered in front of her, as if something was going to break through the ground. Until her sudden inspiration, she hurried upstairs, picked up the group photo she had just picked up and looked at it again and again.

Seeing Lu at any time when she was a teenager, she finally understood why orange said Shi Shi's illegitimate son looked familiar, and why she also felt familiar.

The child looks very much like Lu Sui when he was a child, and he also looks a little like Lu Sui when he smiles.

If Shi Shi's child looks like a very small version of Lu Sui, does that mean that it is the illegitimate son of Shi Shi and Lu Sui?


On Monday, it's cold to go to work and school. Ask for tickets.

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