"I also want to know who it is." Shi Zui's eyebrows bent. "The flower giver is a little interesting."

It's a little childish, but it's interesting.

"Now I support your divorce. You give up the big tree of President Lu, but you can own the whole forest. It's great to think about it. President Lu doesn't know how to cherish you and mix with a woman like Shi Shi. Losing you is president Lu's loss!"

Although he Zhijing is good, he has married Shi ran, and Shi Ran is Shi Shi's sister, so he Zhijing can only be a spare tire.

I don't know the origin of the one who sent the flowers today. If he is also an overbearing president and looks handsome, Shi Zui can think about it.

Shi Zui waited for the orange to express his opinions. He smiled and said, "I'm a divorced woman. It's estimated that there aren't so many domineering presidents in the world. Even if there are, do you think people like me? Wake up and go out to work is the right way."

"The men around you are domineering presidents. I think you will marry domineering presidents in the future..."

Finally, the orange was driven out of the office mercilessly.

After receiving the flowers, Shi Zui worked very hard and went out to do a small case


As for he Zhijing, after chatting with Shi Zui, the corners of his lips couldn't help turning up.

Until Shi ran angrily broke into his office and left the newspaper in front of him: "I haven't divorced you yet. You can't wait to cheat. Is Shi drunk trying to humiliate me?"

"I have to ask your good sister. Maybe Miss Shi Er wants to take the opportunity to humiliate you." he Zhijing thought of it with Lu Wan.

The number one suspect who will reveal this is Shi Shi.

Shi Ran's face was slightly heavy. "No matter who broke the news, it's an indisputable fact that you cheated in your marriage. You're not afraid that your actions will affect the company's image? Don't forget, you haven't gained a firm foothold in Changhe international."

"Since I am in control of Changhe international, I naturally have a way to improve the company's performance. As for my feelings, they are just the talk of people after dinner, which will not affect the company's operation. You will soon become my ex-wife. You can't worry about my business or private affairs."

He Zhijing finished, pressed the inside line and asked the security guard to ask shi ran to leave


At 5 p.m., Shi Zui finished the case and went back to the detective agency.

Seeing her, the orange winked and bowed his head to remind him, "President Lu has been waiting for you for half an hour. Whoever comes is not good. Take care."

When Shi Zui came into the office, she was pressed on the door by Lu Sui. Lu Sui pulled her clothes and acted rudely.

Shi Zui threw his backhand on Lu Sui's face and stopped his next move.

Lu Sui was stunned and calmed down for a while.

Shi Zui thought the earthquake had stopped Lu Sui, so he pushed him away. As a result, she took only two steps and was knocked down by Lu Suisheng behind her. She had no time to react, so she was knocked down by him.

Lu Sui quickly pulled away Shi Zui's collar. When she saw her body without any ambiguous trace, she was relieved.

Shi Zui pushed Lu Sui away and pulled his clothes together.

"Drunk, I've probably drunk too much. Smell it, I smell like wine. Just now I was just a reaction to drinking too much." Lu Sui followed Shi drunk and opened his eyes to lie.

In fact, his first reaction after seeing the news was confused. Shi Zui is sometimes impulsive. If she gets angry and goes to bed with he Zhijing in order to revenge him, he will kill he Zhijing.

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