"OK." the orange took orders.

The little catfish was eavesdropping. As soon as the orange left, he ran to Shi Zui and asked, "will grandma like me?"

"Of course." Shi smiled drunk and simply put the little catfish on his leg.

The little guy is small, but strong and a little heavy. She looked at the little guy's picturesque eyebrows and eyes and loved them more and more.

After careful examination, I found that the child's facial features were indeed a little like hers.

Recently, she also remembered one thing. A mysterious person sent her flowers. The signature on it was fish. Could the mysterious person who sent the flowers be a small catfish?

The handwriting of the flower giver is also quite similar to that of the little catfish

In two days, Shi Zui was calm here, but Shi Shi had a hard time there.

She couldn't stand it that day. She called Shi Zui Zui and said in a hoarse voice, "sister, you are already a winner. Why do you want to kill them all?! at least I called your sister for more than 20 years. I once saved your life. That's how you repay me?"

Shi zuixiu just finished reading Shi Shi's gossip on the Internet. She was in a good mood: "you think too much of me. I'm just a nobody and don't have the ability to control public opinion."

In fact, she also saw that there was indeed a force behind it to guide public opinion. A scandal broke out every day. Shi Shi is now a rat crossing the street and everyone shouted.

Stunning beauty is a sharp weapon for heavy color men, but for ordinary people with a hostile attitude towards beauty, this advantage will become a disadvantage.

Netizens follow the wind. Now Shi Shi is a clown denounced by all netizens. It's not too much to describe her as a street mouse.

"Who else can there be if it's not you?" Shi Shi didn't believe Shi Zui's words. Only Shi zuizui hated her most. If it wasn't Shi zuizui, she would never believe it.

"I really want to step under your feet, but it's not me. I did it and I'll recognize it!" Shi Zui hung up the phone.

She was just wondering who was guiding public opinion behind it, and it was such an orderly guidance. It can be seen that it was planned early.

This is very much like Lu Sui's handwriting. Lu Sui will report. Shi Shi splashes dirty water behind him. He will retaliate reasonably.

But is Lu Sui willing to be so cruel to Shi Shi? After all, they had a night love affair. How could he be so heartless?

When you think about what Lu Sui did at Lu Tao's birthday party, you know that Lu Sui is vicious enough.

If it was Lu Sui's pen this time, it would suit her appetite.


On the other side, Shi ran saw Shi Shi pacing back and forth and whispered, "I also think Shi Zui doesn't have such ability. It's probably brother Lu..."

When she opened her mouth, Shi Shi looked at her fiercely. She stammered and said, "it's no use protecting brother landing again. Only brother Lu will be so cruel and see my sister's beauty as nothing."

Lu Sui's assignment outsiders don't know, but how can they who are close to Lu Sui know? It seems harmless to land on the surface. If you attack the enemy, you will certainly make life worse than death.

She felt that Shi Shi was a thorn in Lu Sui's eye and flesh.

If she guessed right, Shi Shi may never turn over.

Thinking of this possibility, Shi ran was in a cold sweat.

Shi Shi is the only hope of the Shi family. It must not be destroyed.

"Elder sister, why don't you beg elder brother Lu? For the sake of the past, maybe elder brother Lu will let her live..." Shi ran just opened his mouth and was slapped hard by Shi Shi.

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