It was almost time to get off work. He Zhijing, who had disappeared for several days, finally called Shi Zui: "Zui Zui, do you have time to have dinner with me tonight?"

Shi Zui looked at the little catfish around him and truthfully replied, "I have something to do. Come back next time."

She wants to accompany her baby son.

"I'm so busy recently that I didn't call you. Won't you be angry?" he Zhijing asked nervously.

"How? I know Lu Sui is embarrassing you. You're busy first, and I've been busy lately -" before she finished, little catfish suddenly grabbed her cell phone and hung up.

"You child, it's impolite to do so!" Shi looked at the little catfish drunk and scolded.

The little catfish replied with a smile: "later, my aunt is in a hurry. We can call again later. Let's pick up my aunt first. Don't let my aunt and my aunt's baby wait."

In this way, the mobile phone was confiscated by the small catfish, and Shi Zui was dragged out of the detective agency by the child.

She didn't know. When she didn't pay attention, the little catfish secretly pulled he Zhijing's phone number into the blacklist.

On the other hand, Lu Wan asked all the staff of the gallery to leave work, while she quietly waited for Shi zuizui to pick her up from work.

Shi zuizumi said he would bring someone to see her. Although she hasn't seen who it is, she thinks there are few people who can make Shi zuizumi value it so much.

So this person must be very important.

She thought she was ready, but when Shi Zui brought the little catfish to her, she still looked confused: "Zui Zui, what's this?"

Little catfish took the opportunity to hold Shi Zui's thigh and enthusiastically introduce himself: "my last name is Shi, my name is Nian, and my little name is little catfish. Little Zui is my mother, and I am my mother's own son who has been separated for many years!"

At the moment of hearing "little drunk", Shi Zui was neither laughing nor crying. Lu Sui called her xiaozui'er when she was a child. No one has called her so since she grew up. Now she reads her former nickname from the mouth of a small catfish. It's very funny.

After Lu Wan was stunned, she laughed: "the child is familiar. It's actually your own son who has been separated for many years."

"He introduced himself to everyone like this. You don't have to take it seriously. The little catfish is the child I picked up." Shi smiled drunk.

In front of Lu Wan, she doesn't have to hide the identity of the little catfish. This is the child she picked up.

As for Lu Sui, there's probably no need to kill one stone with one stone? As long as Lu Sui takes her and the little catfish for paternity testing, he can know that the little catfish has no relatives with her.

She felt that anyone with a little IQ would not believe that she had a few-year-old son.

Even she can't believe it, let alone others?

The little catfish was not happy to hear Shi Zui's words: "I'm clearly my mother's own son. I'm related by blood. I'm a baby drilled out of my mother's belly!!"

Shi zuizui just rubbed the child's soft short hair: "the little catfish is cute at any time except for talking nonsense."

"It's really cute. It's fun to talk." Lu Wan didn't take the little catfish's words seriously, so she rubbed the child's short hair.

The little catfish was angry, pursed his mouth and whispered, "I'm obviously the son of little drunk, such as fake change..."

The two adults held his hand and talked while walking. None of them paid attention to him. He looked up at Shi Zui and Lu Wan, but he couldn't get the love in their eyes.

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