"I have no place to eat, and you don't want to cook for me. Why don't I come here for dinner?" Lin Zhao replied quietly.

He just didn't expect that Lu Wan would call Shi Shi and call Shi Shi. Doesn't she mind Shi Shi's existence at all?

Lu Wan could not understand the woman's thinking more and more.

Now he wants to see what the hell this woman is doing.

In less than ten minutes, Shi Zui and Lu Wan came out of the kitchen. There are three dishes and one soup on the table. However, Lu Wan prepared another copy for Lin Zhao and Shi Shi.

She sent the dinner specially prepared for Lin Zhao and Shi Shi to them: "I'll treat you tonight. But I don't want to see your face. Please leave my sight. Also, I prepared the dish, but I shook my hand and accidentally added a little preservative. By the way, I heard that preservative will explode in water..."

Shi Shiyi was so frightened that he immediately grabbed the door and ran away.

Lu Wan saw the scene of Shi Shi fleeing, and a sarcastic smile was put on her lips.

"Lin Zhao, your mistress left you and ran away. She saved her life. The lover you're looking for is really affectionate to you. I'm optimistic about your future." Shi Zui stabbed again with a tacit understanding.

At the critical moment, Shi Shi left Lin Zhao and ran away. How else can Lin Zhao have a good eye?

Lin looked after the three dishes and one soup on the table: "is there really preservative in it?"

"If you don't believe it, try it and see if it will break your stomach. If you die in Xiaowan's hands, you'll die well." Shi Zui said to himself.

Lin Zhao shook his head: "I cherish my life. I won't test my life. I can't eat this meal tonight. Let's make another day. The future will be long."

The desiccant may explode when it meets water, but Lu Wangang said that if it is preservative, it won't explode, otherwise she won't sit still.

Plus there are children in the room, Lu Wan and Shi Zui can't joke about so many people's lives. Just now they were just scaring Shi Shi.

Shi Shi will immediately leave him to protect himself in case of danger. In his opinion, this behavior is very consistent with Shi Shi's selfishness.

It was Lu Wan who made him look at her more and more. The gentle and obedient Lu Daqian Jin in the past seems to be gone forever. Lu Wan with personality makes him feel very interesting.

It seems that Lu Wan he used to know is just a small part of Lu Wan's temperament.

After Lin Zhao left, Lu Wanli moved the food back to her, and she called the little catfish out for dinner.

Shi zuixiu wanted to laugh at Lu Wan's appearance.

Shi Shi thinks he is great. He can play with everyone and applaud. He also wants to tell Lu Wan what to do. He doesn't know that he has been fooled around by Lu Wan.

Lu Wangen didn't put any preservatives in the food. Lu Wan was determined to cherish her life, so she bluffed and immediately showed her true face.

"My aunt's fried food is delicious!" the little catfish paid attention to Shi Zui and poured misty soup on Lu wanmeng.

His gallant appearance made Shi Zui and Lu Wan look at each other. Why was the child suddenly enthusiastic?

"Little catfish, did you do something bad?" Shi Zui looked at the child thoughtfully.

The little catfish immediately shook his head and replied loudly, "no!"

"Are you sure?" Shi Zui was more confused. The little catfish's eyes wander. It's guilty at first sight.

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