Lu Wan didn't expect Lin note to start suddenly. She hurried back and took a protective attitude.

Lin Zhao saw that she reacted so violently that she forgot her original intention for a moment and was stunned,

Lu Wan pretended to be calm and said in a deep voice, "I don't welcome you here. Go out!"

Lin Zhao quickly returned to normal. He thought of his purpose to find Lu Wan, but approached her: "don't forget, so far, we are still husband and wife..."

Lu Wan looked numb when she heard the speech.

As Lin Zhao said, she and he are still husband and wife, but this does not mean that Lin Zhao can continue to embarrass her.

She used to be a fool and was hurt by Lin Zhao again and again.

There's no way to start over.

Once she was willing to give everything for him. In order to get him, she designed to be pregnant with his flesh and blood. Once she thought that as long as she could be with Lin Zhao, she was willing to pay any price.

However, she was not as tough as she thought.

Originally, when you love someone, you will be tired. Now is her burnout period.

She already wants to return to her original position. Why does Lin Zhao come to humiliate her?! Did she take a wrong step and have to pay a heavy price for that step all her life?

She took a deep breath and pressed down her hatred in her heart. She said in a dumb voice, "I didn't respect myself before. I admit I was wrong, but I won't make mistakes again and again in the future."

How stupid she used to be. She thought that to love someone was to cater to all his preferences wholeheartedly.

But this did not earn him respect for himself, nor did it make him hate her less.

How ridiculous?!

Once she loved him was the original sin, and he didn't love her was the source of sin.

"Lin Zhao, let's do this. I don't have anything you can ask for. In order to love you, I lose my self-esteem, reserve, pride and even all I have. I just want peace at present. Please leave!"

Up to now, she still can't say a heavy word to him, which is the most sad place.

Lin Zhao looked at Lu Wan absently.

Lu Wan didn't say this to him before. Even if the whole world knows that Lu Wan loves him, he himself knows that Lu Wan loves him. In order to love him, she designed to conceive his child in order to pull him into the cage of marriage.

But in this process, he is not using her to achieve his purpose?

The relationship between him and Lu Wan is just one willing to fight and one willing to suffer.

He never even put Lu Wan's love for him in his heart.

After all, there are too many women who like him.

From the beginning, he despised her and never paid attention to her feelings.

This is after he met he

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