Just as Shi zuizui and little catfish perfectly interpreted mother and son filial piety, Lu Sui appeared, forcibly opened their mother and son and sat down among them.

"Little catfish, should you call me dad later?" Lu Sui smiled amiably at the little catfish.

The little catfish looked serious: "Dad is dad and uncle is uncle. You can't confuse it. My father doesn't allow me to recognize relatives."

"Didn't you say your dead father is dead? You have to find another stepfather. In this way, I'll be your stepfather in the future." he can abuse the fish when he gets the chance and be an unscrupulous stepfather.

"Uncle, my mother is going to divorce you. Don't put gold on your face. I will have a father in the future, but it can't be uncle you." the little catfish returned to Lu with a naive and lovely smile.

Lu Sui turned his eyes and looked at Shi Zui: "baby, do you want to divorce me?"

Shi zuizui clearly saw the warning written in Lu Sui's eyes. In the past, she would probably get back with a "divorce". Now, she is ashamed of Lu Sui and dare not do so.

"Husband and wife, friction is inevitable. Let's just scrape together and get over it." Shi Zui replied with a smile.

When Lu Sui knows that she not only slept with other men, but also gave birth to a small catfish, she may be eager to let her clean out of the house.

Lu Sui was very satisfied with Shi Zui's answer. He pinched the little catfish's face: "your mother is my treasure, and you are my treasure. In the future, I will treat you as a sweetheart."

The little catfish skimmed his small mouth and didn't believe what Lu Sui said at all.

As a result, he climbed into bed with drunk that night. He was about to hide in the arms of his mother and enjoy the rare maternal love and warmth when Lao Lu suddenly burst in.

As soon as Shi zuixi saw Lu Sui, her legs were soft. She neatly hid behind the little catfish and stared at Lu Sui with vigilance.

Lu Sui saw her dodge and smiled with a good temper: "wife, didn't we agree to sleep with me at night?"

Shi Zui shook her head. Where did she say that? Lu suigen is nonsense.

"Mom told me to sleep with me in the future." the small body of the little catfish wanted to block Lu Sui's sight, but the effect was not good.

"Honesty is the most important thing in life. Xiaozui'er, don't you think so?" Lu Sui suddenly said "xiaozui'er", which made Shi Zui's liver tremble.

"But, but I can talk in my sleep for fear of disturbing you." Shi Zui said.

Last night, because she called the names of other men in her dream, Lu Sui was so angry that she almost tore her body apart. If she accidentally called the names of other men after she fell asleep tonight, would Lu Sui be so angry that she dissected her?

Lu Sui's deep eyes half narrowed and immediately remembered that she was calling other men's names after she fell asleep last night.

The woman just poked him in the pain on purpose.

He stepped forward and hugged Shi Zui. "Honey, if you dare to talk in your sleep tonight, I'll sew your lovely mouth so that you can't say a word again in the future."

Shi Zui couldn't laugh now. She looked at the little catfish.

The little catfish received the signal from Shi Zui asking for help and was about to catch up. Lu Sui suddenly looked at the little catfish with fierce eyes and domineering leak detection: "in the future, there will be only one father, that is me! Shi Nian, if you don't obey and dare to eat inside and outside, don't live here. After all, you don't treat this family as a family. We Lu family don't raise unfamiliar white eyed wolves!"

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