Lu Sui stood at the door and looked at Shi Zui with deep eyes.

Shi Zui's legs and feet were soft and his mind was blank. He didn't sleep at all just now. He was cheating her.

They looked at each other for a long time. Finally, Lu Sui came in, took her hand and dragged her back to the master bedroom.

She followed him quietly and saw his lips smiling. There was no coldness before.

He just saw that she wanted contraceptives and changed her face. In the blink of an eye, he returned to normal again.

It is said that women are fickle. In her opinion, Lu Sui's face changes faster than the sky.

"It's cold. Don't walk barefoot in the future to avoid catching cold." Lu Sui gently wiped her feet and stuffed her into the warm quilt: "I won't need a little catfish to warm the bed in the future. I'll be responsible for doing it well."

Shi Zui couldn't understand Lu Sui's mind. Seeing that he didn't look like he was going to explode, he was a little relieved.

Before going to bed, she was still thinking that she had to take contraceptives tomorrow, or she would have a baby and couldn't explain to the little catfish.

As soon as she fell asleep, Lu casually opened her eyes. His face was a little gloomy in the dark room.

Then he got out of bed and replaced all the previous contraceptives with vitamin tablets. In order to prevent Shi from getting drunk and then going outside to buy Contraceptives, he simply asked people to deal with it overnight and replaced the contraceptives near the villa and the detective agency with vitamin tablets.

Don't want to have his baby? He let this woman give him a dozen!

The next morning, Shi Zui was washed by Lu Sui, who just didn't wait for her to go to the bathroom.

She would rather he didn't treat her well, so that she could naturally refuse Lu Sui.

The little catfish looked at the heart plug. Since Lao Lu regained favor, he not only occupied zui'er at night, but also didn't let him get close to zui'er in the daytime. It's unreasonable.

You know, he is zui'er's own son. Doesn't Lao Lu occupy zui'er all the time because he is big and thoughtful?

When it was time to go out, little catfish wanted to go to work with Shi Zui.

As a result, Lu Sui put him in the car.

"I want to be with my mother!" the little catfish shouted, "Mom, uncle abused me!"

Shi zuixi heard the cry of the little catfish and hurried to catch up with her. Unexpectedly, Lu Sui blocked her outside the door and showed a charming smile: "honey, you work at ease. In the future, I will not only be outside the Lord, but also inside the Lord, and my son will be taught by me. You always have to give me a chance to cultivate the relationship between father and son with little fish. Do you think so?"

"Mom, don't listen to Lao Lu's nonsense. He just wants to break up my mother and me. Mom, I want to be with you." the little catfish stretched out his hands to Shi Zui, squeezed out two tears and looked at Shi Zui.

Shi Zui was so distressed that before she could speak, Lu Sui said, "don't you think little fish has an Oedipus plot? He's just too sticky to you. Boys still have to stay with their father more in order to grow into real men."

Shi Zui watched Lu Sui take the little catfish away. Finally, he was stunned that he couldn't bring back the little catfish from Lu Sui.

Lu Wan saw the whole scene and said with a smile, "don't worry. My brother is measured and won't abuse children. What's more, you like little catfish so much. How can he hurt little catfish?"

"I'm just worried. Last time, although there was no evidence that he threw the little catfish, my intuition told me that he threw the little catfish." Shi was drunk and muttered.

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