Shi zuixiu vaguely remembers that Lu Sui once locked himself in his room. At that time, it seemed that Lu Tao was not allowed to have any more contact with her. Lu Sui was unwilling, so he locked himself up. He didn't eat or drink for several days. He forced Lu Tao to give in by this means.

It was that time that frightened Lu Tao and never dared to stop Lu Sui from seeing her again.

"If so, it's over." Lu wanleng sat on the sofa, his face turning white.

She also remembers that Lu Suishang locked himself up last time because Shi was drunk. He likes being drunk so much. How can he tolerate being drunk and giving birth to other men's children?

Lu Suiping has a good temper and has a lot of business with everyone, but in fact, Lu suiduwei can't allow other men to get drunk, let alone his illegitimate son.

The little catfish ran back to the living room and found Lu Wan and zui'er sitting on the sofa in a daze.

He sat down beside the drunk son and leaned on her lap: "is mom worried?"

Shi Zui gently pinched the little guy's face and looked at the face similar to herself. Her inner taste was unclear.

She was only 20 years old five years ago. How could she elope with a man? Even unmarried, gave birth to a small catfish, and finally lost him.

The various adverse reactions she had when she was in the hospital that day may be caused by her memory of trying to remove the little catfish. But in the end, she gave birth to the child.

"Little catfish, why don't you go to orange's house for a few days?" Shi Zui felt that only in this way can we ensure the safety of little catfish.

The little catfish drooped his lips wrongfully: "isn't Mom going to want me again?"

"Silly boy, I have something to deal with..."

"Drunk, forget it. Escape is not the way. Let the little catfish stay with me these days. I'll protect him and everything will be fine. What you have to do is to pull my brother out of the room first. I'm afraid he'll get old and can't do anything stupid..."

"No, you think too much." Shi Chui smiled.

Lu Sui is a mature adult, not a child. He is also a successful businessman. How can he be reluctant to think about such a thing?

"You don't understand anything." Lu Wan frowned: "my brother, he..."

Lu Sui likes to be drunk so much. The more he likes it, the more he cares. The more he cares, the easier it is to get into trouble. She once loved someone deeply and knew the feeling of pain through her heart.

"I, I'm a little afraid..." Shi was drunk and looked at the direction of the second floor, as if he was stunned.

Lu Wan didn't force her or persuade her.

Time passed bit by bit. I saw that Lu Sui had not come out of the room at 11:30 p.m. Not to mention Lu Wan's worry, Shi Zui, who was holding a trace of happiness, began to worry.

Everyone's body has a limit. People can't endure long without eating or drinking.

She went to the master bedroom and knocked on the door: "Lu Sui, are you okay?"

There was no response. She said, "are you in there? If you are, I should say it."

No one in the room answered her, only her voice echoed in the aisle.

Follow her to call the door for two hours. Lu Sui didn't respond. She panicked. Won't Lu Sui really do something stupid?

It's already two o'clock in the morning. It's no way to delay.

She rushed downstairs to look at the terrain. Her bedroom is very close to the master bedroom. You can jump on the balcony and break into the master bedroom.

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