"If you like to get drunk, don't divorce, or I'm afraid you'll regret it all your life." Lu Wan advised softly after she went to Lu.

They clearly like each other. The only obstacle is the small catfish, which is Shi Zui's lost past.

Maybe Zui has found the past, and Lu Sui has overcome his psychological obstacles, so they can mend the old friendship.

"I drove her away from this house myself." Lu Sui whispered silently.

He came back suddenly today just to see her. He didn't expect to be so unhappy.

He hated her cold-blooded and heartless. Why is he so miserable and she can live so well?

The more he hurts, the more he wants to stab her and make her hurt like him.

But he was also unhappy when he finally drove her away.

Lu Wan sat down beside Lu Sui: "after driving away, you can catch up again to see if my brother has this determination."

Lu Sui shook his head and whispered silently, "it's not necessary."

What if you come back? He is suffering from a woman who doesn't care about himself. When he sees the little catfish, he will think of the man she loved. He is beyond recognition by the fire of jealousy every day. He quarrels with her every day. The more he quarrels, the more he hurts. What's the meaning of that.

"So, I still decided to divorce?" Lu wanna said.

Lu Sui closed his eyes and made it clear that he didn't want to continue talking about this topic.

Lu Wan was helpless.

Shi zuizu's mother and son were driven away by Lu Sui. What should she do? One side is drunk, the other is her brother. Both sides are her closest people. She can't give up her brother at this time and run to live with drunk?

At this time, she didn't trust Lu Sui to be at home alone.

On the other side, Shi Zui took the catfish out of the villa, and the two mother and son got on a taxi.

The little catfish peeped at Shi Zui. "Mom, I'm in trouble. I'm sorry."

"It's all right. We don't have to live in a big house. It's more comfortable to live in a village in the city." Shi Zui pinched the little catfish's face.

Today, their mother and son were driven out of the house by Lu Sui. Although it was a bit humiliating, to be honest, Lu Sui was right. He had no reason to help her raise illegitimate children, not to mention the little catfish annoyed him first.

This still proves one thing. Her fate with Lu has ended. Even if it seems calm, they still can't continue to live as if nothing had happened.

If she had hesitated before, this quarrel made her understand that she should give up when it was time to give up, otherwise she would have to be an enemy with Lu Sui in the future.

The little catfish lay on Shi Zui's leg: "but I embarrassed my mother. I just don't like uncle. Uncle always likes to monopolize my mother. Obviously, I'm also my mother's baby..."

Shi Zui chuckled: "you can say that your possessiveness is much better than Lu suiyou."

The little catfish's eyes turned around and thought, why compare him with Lao Lu?

Fortunately, the houses in the villages in the city have not been refunded, the daily necessities are still there, and there are also laundry changes.

Shi got drunk before he entered the office. Lu Wan called in: "don't be angry with my brother. He just opened his mouth to annoy. He regretted as soon as you left, but he couldn't bear to pull his face..."

"Xiao Wan, you don't have to speak for him. I don't know what his virtue is? Anyway, I'm leaving with him. It's not suitable to live in his territory. It's just a little humiliating. I'm going to leave with my head held high like the queen. As a result..."

Shi Zui sighed. As a result, she was driven away by Lu Sui. It's embarrassing enough.

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