The old man smiled and looked at Dong Qi, who was crying silently: "you two have been in love since childhood. You rarely quarrel. You haven't come to see me for such a long time. Xiao Qi doesn't mention being drunk. I guess you have a contradiction."

She said and waved to Dong Qi: "Xiao Qi, come here..."

Dong Qi felt that in recent days, Grandma had never spoken so quickly as today. She was stunned and approached the old man. The old man took her hand and folded her and the drunk hand together.

"You should be good, good..."

Maybe the old man wants to say something, but it doesn't matter. She sleeps peacefully and will never be troubled by illness and pain again.

When the old man dies, it will light up. The dim light of the sky covered the world. Through the flying curtains, it shone on her peaceful face. It was so peaceful, just like the moment when Shi Zui first saw the old man.

Finally, Dong Qi calmed down. She dried her tears and began to deal with the elderly's affairs in an orderly manner.

Shi zuixiu had never experienced such a farewell, but just sat blankly. At this moment, she felt that life was particularly fragile. She still had the warmth of the old man in her hand, but the old man fell asleep forever.

After that, the old man's body was sent to the funeral home, followed by scheduled cremation.

Shi Zui followed Dong Qi all the way. Looking at Dong Qi's calm face, she felt that Dong Qi was a special stranger, unlike the Dong Qi she knew.

That night, she stayed with Dong Qi for fear that Dong Qi would suddenly lose her only family member.

When they slept, each occupied one side of the bed. Dong Qi covered Shi Zui with a quilt and said with a smile, "are you afraid I can't think of it before you stay with me? I can't bear to die until you think too much. Even if grandma goes, aren't you still with me? We agreed to be good friends all my life."

Shi is as drunk as a lump in his throat. She wanted to say that she and Dong Qi were not friends for a long time, because when she pushed Dong Qi downstairs, Dong Qi, who she regarded as her own sister, was already dead.

But in this situation, she couldn't say anything heartless.

She was afraid that Dong Qi would hurt herself if she stimulated her.

"I know you can't forgive me, but I think we are so young and have a long way to go. One day you will forget those unpleasant things and accept me again." Dong Qi smiled and said.

"Go to bed early. You should be tired, too."

As soon as the sound of Shi Zui's drunken words fell, Dong Qi suddenly drilled over and leaned on her shoulder: "lend me your shoulder. I'll be full of vitality tomorrow."

Shi Zui didn't push her away and let her lean on her not very thick shoulder: "we haven't slept in the same bed for a long time to talk to ourselves."

"Go to sleep." Shi Zui is rarely warm.

This is Dong Qi's room. It's no different from that in those years, but the lime on the wall falls off and is mottled, stained with the traces of years.

Unconsciously, she fell asleep. When she woke up again, before dawn, she heard Dong Qi talking on the phone.

Listening to Dong Qi's voice, she was a little excited. She listened carefully and said, "what are you doing for my grandmother's funeral? I said, drunk will help me. I don't need you to do anything!"

Shi zuixiu heard Dong Qi's tone of voice and roughly guessed that it was Lu Sui's phone. Lu suixiang wants to help. She can understand it, but Dong Qi's reaction is so fierce that she doesn't want Lu suixiang's appearance to recall those unpleasant past events.

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