Wang Yan looked indifferent.

She knew she would exit sooner or later, but she didn't expect it to be in this way.

Even if she continues to stay with Lu Sui, she is no longer valuable.

Now, as long as you help Shi zuizu solve his hypnosis and let Shi zuizu find all his memories, the gratitude and resentment about Shi zuizu in the future has nothing to do with her as an outsider.

At the beginning, she didn't expect that she would move her mind to Lu Sui.

Even so, she restrained her feelings, because she knew the emotional life of these people, and she had always been a spectator.

"How many things have you done for Chu Xiu's Inn?" Lu Sui asked coldly.

Without Wang Yan, there would not have been so many twists and turns between him and Shi Zui. Perhaps Shi Zui had married him more than two years ago.

Did she erase everything when she did something with money?

If Wang Yan didn't hypnotize Shi Zui many years ago, if Shi Zui didn't forget him, if Shi Zui cared about him as Wen Tingting said and he saw, would they have become a couple many years ago?

"It was Miss Shi's own wish that I hypnotized Miss Shi in the early years. You can't count this account on me. Different ways conspired against each other. The person I was loyal to was Chu xiuzhan, that's all." Wang Yan said and took Shi Zui upstairs.

Lu suizheng sat on the sofa, his mind drifting away.

He didn't expect that Shi Zui wanted to forget the past. What happened in the past? People who make her so strong want to erase everything?

Before long, Lu Wan took the catfish to the villa.

The little catfish asked about Shi Zui more than once these two days. She didn't dare to tell the truth and let him follow the orange. Even the little catfish said that now he seems to have been adopted by oranges. He can't see his mother for three days, as if he had been abandoned.

The child was old and sensible. He knew that Shi was drunk and sleepy for two days. He only said that his mother was sleepy and would wake up soon.

But when he saw the sleeping Shi Zui, the little catfish cried and lay down on Shi Zui, out of breath.

Wang Yan hoped that the catfish would make more noise and wake up Shi's drunken and painful dream

In her dream, Shi Zui stood in front of the grave and cried all day and night. She saw Lin Zhao always with her. It was Lin Zhao who she hated and felt disgusted.

But in her most painful time, it was Lin Zhao who accompanied her.

Just when she was too sad to help herself, she heard the child's cry from far to near. She listened carefully and felt that the child's cry was so familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere.

Later, she remembered that this was a small catfish. Her son was five years old.

Her son is clever, sensible and clever. Even if she loses him, he knows he will recognize him.

If it's a catfish, who's in the grave?

"Lin Zhao..."

She looked around and found that there was no Lin Zhao around her, and the grave in front of her was gone.

She looked around blankly and found herself in a white fog. A woman's voice sounded softly in her ear: "I'm Wang Yan. Shi Zui wants Wangfujing. You're in your past now, but those bad things have passed. Listen, is the child calling your mother? This is your son. His name is Shi Xiaonian. He's five years old and looks like you. There's a dimple when he laughs..."

Shi Zui opened his mouth and wanted to shout, but it seemed that he was choked by someone and couldn't say a word


There will be a blast tomorrow. Please get a ticket.

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