The next day, shortly after Lu Sui boarded the plane, Shi zuizui also booked a ticket, took a small catfish and planned to fly to Ancheng.

Lu Wan took her and refused to let go: "you should go and return quickly. Come back after seeing Chu Xiu's stack. Don't stay there for too long."

"OK." Shi Zui looked at the orange and told, "you should take good care of Xiao Wan. She gives us a lot of money every month. If we take her money, we have to eliminate the disaster for her."

Lu Wan heard this and punched Shi Zui in the chest: "I'm not afraid of anything. I'm afraid you'll never come back as soon as you leave."

Shi Zui patted Lu Wan on the shoulder: "don't worry, I'll come back."

Even if you want to leave, it's not now. She has unfinished worries. She can't break down. She won't go!

Lu Wan did not give up, but watched Shi Zui disappear in her sight. Although the woman said nothing, she felt that Zui seemed to leave Ancheng one day.

This time I went to see an Cheng to find Chu xiuzhan, which may be a signal.

In this city, there are no people and things worthy of her nostalgia. The only thing she can't give up is drunkenness. If she left drunk, she would probably choose to leave.

"Don't think about it. Drunk will come back soon. I suddenly feel that drunk has become different, like a person suddenly calmed down." the orange muttered to himself.

At first glance, Shi zuizui looks no different from before. She can eat, speak, laugh and move. However, as long as she doesn't laugh, she will exude a sense of sadness.

It is said that Shi zuixiu has restored his memory of the past. Perhaps it is because the past is unbearable that zuixiu seems to have changed a person.

"This is a good thing. If people settle down, they will be more calm in the future." Lu Wan put on her sunglasses and left the airport first.

In fact, there's nothing to worry about. Even if Shi Zui wants to go, it's a big deal that she can go with her.

Shi Zui was still confused when he set foot on the land of Ancheng again. This is her third visit to the city, which is still strange to her.

One day, she may settle in this city.

"Mom, are we really going to see uncle?" little catfish still can't believe it.

He didn't dare to mention uncle in front of zui'er, just for fear that zui'er would throw him back to uncle. Although uncle is good, zui'er is his real mother.

"Can this be a holiday? Well, let's find a hotel to stay, rest for a night, and see him tomorrow." Shi Zui was suddenly a little flustered.

Chu xiuzhan was no stranger to her. It was Chu xiuzhan that helped her through the difficulties when she was in the most difficult time. But he is such a man with a deep mind. He has done a lot for her in the past five years.

She vowed to make this trip to Ancheng, but when she set foot on this land, she would still be at a loss.

"I can take my mother to play in the evening." the little catfish jumped forward.

Shi Zui softened his eyebrows and eyes and said softly, "walk slowly and don't fall."

She missed the growth period of the little catfish. She didn't even know what the little catfish looked like when she was a child. Suddenly, he grew so big and appeared in front of her.

"I'm walking steadily and won't fall." the little catfish smiled happily, and the dimples on his cheeks were looming.

Shi Zui looked in his eyes and was very happy. The child even looks like her dimple. It's really cute.

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