"Do you think the development prospect of Ancheng is much better than that of Bincheng?" after entering the set, Shi Zui expressed his doubts.


"Do you think my mother's reaction is very strange? She clearly wants to stay in Bincheng, but she has always encouraged me to go to Ancheng. What's good about settling in Ancheng? Everything has to come back. I made up my mind to settle in Ancheng because this is my mother's wish, but why does my mother think Ancheng is good? Especially when I took back the yuan family's house and lived in such a big mansion , she also wanted me to settle in Ancheng, but she couldn't figure it out. "Shi Zui was excited and spoke a little incoherent.

Lu Wan seldom sees her so excited.

After her analysis, it seems reasonable.

"In fact, it's not difficult to understand. Our mother asked you to settle in Ancheng before, and you haven't taken back the house at that time. Taking back the house is a recent thing, so you will hesitate. Maybe your mother prefers the urban environment like Ancheng. It's normal that you have to move away when you get the house back."

Lu Wan's words are reasonable.

Shi Zui felt nothing wrong, but she always felt that things were not so simple.

"It should be for Aunt Yao that my mother made up her mind to settle in Ancheng. Don't you realize that my mother and Yao Lijun have a very good relationship. Aunt Yao is very kind to me, even better than wentingting's own daughter. My mother has something to ask, and wentianhao will take care of director Li. If she doesn't have a deep friendship, how can a big man like wentianhao interfere in our family's affairs?" Shi Zui was thoughtful.

"It's not strange, just like I have a good relationship with you, which is better than that between me and Lu Sui. Don't drill the tip of the year. I'll be there no matter where you are."

Lu Wan made Shi look drunk.

No wonder Nie Zhiyuan is always jealous of her. If it were her, she would blow her hair.

In the past, Shi Zui felt that he was busy. Because the family migration is a big event, there are a lot of things to do, but now she is at a loss.

She thinks there is no difference between living in Bincheng and Ancheng. It is Jiang Xin who wants her to go to Ancheng. Jiang Xin can't give up Bincheng himself.

Later, she felt that the problem might lie with Yao Lijun.

She thought about it and decided to call Yao Lijun to make it clear.

Yao Lijun was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth when she suddenly received Shi Zui's call.

"Did my aunt tell my mother to let me settle in Ancheng?"

As soon as Shi zuizui said this, Yao Lijun's good mood disappeared.

"I did mention this suggestion to ah Xin. She and I think it's better for you to settle in Ancheng. As long as you are in Bincheng, you can't completely get rid of Lu Sui. If you can't get rid of Lu Sui, you can't start a new relationship." Yao Lijun only tells half the truth.

In fact, it was her selfishness that made Shi Zui settle in Ancheng. As long as she comes to Ancheng drunk, she can often see her and have more time with her.

"I still think Bincheng is more suitable for me. Lu Sui doesn't have so much influence..."

"Lu Sui may not have such great influence, but you do. Do you think that if you unilaterally cut off contact with Lu Sui, you can cut off his thoughts on you? You're too naive. If he doesn't let go, it's not so easy for you to get rid of him. Haven't you come to Ancheng to see two houses but ran away in vain recently? He's playing tricks behind it!" Yao Lijun said the truth.

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