"I'm sorry. You can keep it for Zui Zui, but I think she doesn't care anymore. You've been her friend since the day you betrayed her. As for me..."

Lu Sui smiled silently and bitterly. He is Dong Qi's brother. What can he do if he hates Dong Qi again? Can he not have his own sister?

He didn't take good care of Zui in those days, and now it's the same.

Under the guise of loving her, he hurt her again and again.

Which woman would want a man who can only bring her pain?

"Sorry, I didn't expect it to be like this." Dong Qi quickly wiped away her tears: "you can explain to Zui that she used to like you so much and will forgive you. You still have a long way to go in the future. As long as you have the determination, you will be able to forget all the unhappiness in the past..."

"Haven't you seen it yet? She didn't want to be involved with me, so she decided to leave her hometown and start over in a strange city. She had locked me out of her world long ago. Do you think she might forgive me in this life?"

Lu Sui said and shook his head: "no, she doesn't hate me now. She doesn't even want to say a word to me. She classifies me as a stranger and will never have any intersection with me again."

This is what Shi Zui wants to do. It is true that she loved him, but he crushed her love with one hand.

The most vulnerable thing in the world is feelings. Some things are lost and can't be found again.

When Dong Qi saw Lu Sui's despair, her tears stopped. She didn't know how to comfort Lu Sui, nor how to make Lu Sui drunk.

She thought that as long as she reformed herself, she could win back the two most important people in her life. But it turned out that it was too late.

Not everyone can go back. It was her repeated mistakes that broke up Shi Zui and Lu Sui.

Lu Wan saw the back of Lu Sui leaving, and saw that there were still wet tears on Dong Qi's face. Just before, she overheard their conversation.

Sure enough, Shi Zui's guess was right.

Lu Sui already knew that the little catfish was his own son. Although he didn't know from what channel, it was an indisputable fact.

Looking at Dong Qi's appearance, she does have regret. Her expression doesn't seem to be cheating. But Dong Qi regretted and wanted to recover. What does it have to do with Shi Zui?

Neither Dong Qi's regret nor Lu Sui's regret can reduce Shi Zui's injury because of them.

Shi zuizui has been separated from the mother and son of the little catfish for so many years. Now it's not easy to reunite. What she has to do now is to make up for the mother's love she owed the little catfish to her children?

So moving to Ancheng is the best choice.

If Lu Sui still knows that he owes Zui, should he make up his mind to stay drunk and quiet for the rest of his life?

She called Shi Zui after the play. After a few words, they hung up because Shi Zui was very busy.

As soon as she hung up, she found Dong Qi standing quietly behind her.

Dong Qi looked pale, as if she would fall when the wind blew.

"You have a good relationship with Zui Zui. Can you persuade Zui Zui to think again and not to settle in Ancheng?" Dong Qinna said: "I know my request is abrupt, but I can't help it. I don't know who to ask for help. Lu Sui likes Zui very much. He's just not good at expressing..."

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