When Lu Sui came out after frying the two dishes, he saw that Dong Qi had drunk a lot of wine and had a little unclear consciousness.

Seeing him come out, she said dimly, "you're a real woman. It takes so long to fry wine and vegetables, and I'm almost finished. The same is true for chasing drunk. If you hurry up, maybe it won't be like this."

Lu Sui saw her like this and said coldly, "drink less."

Dong Qi didn't listen. She kept drinking. She didn't eat any of the dishes fried by Lu Sui.

When Lu Sui found that she was wrong, Dong Qi had drunk and lost consciousness.

Lu Sui found a blanket to cover Dong Qi and let her lie on the sofa to rest.

When Zheng Yong came over, he saw Dong Qi drunk on the sofa.

Lu Sui stood in front of the window smoking. Seeing him coming, he put out his cigarette end.

"What's going on?" Zheng Yong asked, pointing to the drunken Dong Qi.

After this time, he found that Lu Sui and Dong Qi were not the kind of ambiguous relationship everyone thought. Although I don't understand why Lu Sui took Dong Qi with him, I should have my own reason.

"I'm in a bad mood. I hung up when I drank too quickly. Let her go." Lu suila Zheng Yong sat down: "you've made many girl friends, and you're not as playful as Xiang Yang. Do you know how to save a woman's heart?"

"What do you want?" Zheng Yong stared at me like a monster.

Listen to Lu Sui's words, do you want to pursue a woman?

"To tell you the truth, I want to recover Zui Zui, but Zui Zui doesn't want to see me. She also made it clear that she won't accept me again. Let me not waste my time. Also, she plans to leave Bincheng and go to settle in Ancheng. I don't have much time." Lu Sui made a long story short.

He is now in a hurry to seek medical treatment. As long as someone can help him, he is willing to do anything.

Zheng Yong was speechless for a moment. Among all of them, only Lu Sui's mind has been mostly on a woman since childhood, but such a man who doesn't lack anything also has unresolved emotional problems. He can't even keep the woman he loves.

Lu Sui seems to be luckier than all of them, because he has made great achievements at a young age and his feelings are not as complex as them. However, the most painful person seems to be Lu Sui.

"I used to like a girl. It was many years ago. For a time, I got close to her and thought I had a chance to win her heart. But one day, she suddenly left without saying goodbye. I also heard that she left with a child." Zheng Yong never revealed his mind to anyone.

Because in their social circle, if you say that you once delivered all your sincerity to a woman, but were betrayed by that woman, you will be laughed at by everyone.

If Lu Sui hadn't suddenly been so frank with him today, he couldn't have said what was on his mind.

Now he has a girlfriend. The other party is a rich lady. Another girl he liked has gone out of his life and may never appear again.

After so many years, the girl may have married long ago. I don't know whether the person who married her is sincere to her. She is lucky or unhappy now.

"I've never heard you mention it." Lu Sui was a little surprised.

"She and I ended before we officially started, and it's not a glorious thing. We didn't dare to say it for fear of being teased by you."

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