Shi Zui was waiting for the elevator when someone came up. Lin Zhao came out of the elevator.

After Shi Zui recovered her memory, this was the first time she met Lin Zhao.

When they met, they said nothing to each other.

There was a time when Lin Zhao was one of Shi Zui's most annoying people. He kept hurting Lu Wan and was proud of it. This was the scum man's behavior she couldn't tolerate.

But it was Lin Zhao. He was merciful and let the little catfish go.

"It seems that you have to go too." Lin Zhao looked at Shi Zui's luggage in a trance.

It seems that at the end of the song, if he didn't come back, didn't approach Lu Wan, didn't retaliate against Lu Sui, and Shi Shi didn't return home, would everything still be calm at first?

Shi Zui and Lu Sui may not divorce.

"I booked a ticket to Ancheng and left soon." Shi Zui looked at Lin Zhao: "you haven't changed much from before."

She still remembers that Lin Zhao stood with her in front of the grave all day and night without eating anything.

That scene seems to have happened yesterday, but they can't go back to the past.

"How can there be no change?" Lin Zhao patted Shi Zui's head. "The purpose of my return trip is mainly to revenge Lu Sui. I want to separate you and him. I don't think I can get my beloved woman, and Lu Sui can't get it."

He approached Lu Wan with this idea and started everything, but he didn't expect such an end.

"You really achieved your goal. You see, I found my memory. I didn't want to face Lu Sui any more and chose to leave the city with him. Since then, we are far apart and rarely meet again." Shi Zui sighed lightly: "you could have been the biggest winner, but it's a pity..."

Unfortunately, Lin Zhao finally broke up her and Lu Sui, but he fell.

Lin Zhao nodded slightly: "isn't it? Lu Sui lost. I should have been the winner. In the end, I was defeated because I fell in the hands of one of my chess pieces."

Lu Wan was supposed to be a piece that could be lost after use, but he was controlled by the woman and finally fell in love with her.

Life is always full of surprises and surprises, then this surprise is his fatal injury.

"I told you earlier that playing with fire will burn yourself. You don't believe it. In the end, you still play with yourself and have nothing to do with others." Shi Zui dragged her luggage into the elevator. Before the elevator door closed, she said again: "don't think of Xiaowan any more. If you really like her, you will complete her and let her live the rest of her life safely."

When the elevator door closed, Lin Zhao didn't give her an answer. She knew that Lin Zhao didn't die until he reached the Yellow River. He acted so extreme and stared at Lu Wan. How could he easily let Lu Wan go?

On his way home, Shi was intoxicated and worried, so he accidentally collided with a nearby car.

Fortunately, the other party rushed home and didn't embarrass her much.

After that, she didn't dare to be distracted. She focused on driving and finally got home safely.

When she went back, the living room was brightly lit, and laughter came from it, which was what she imagined her home should be like. There are her favorite mother and her best friend.

Just hearing their laughter, she felt very warm and considerate.

Lu Wan first found that Shi Zui came back. She came forward and took her luggage: "you are really, knowing that this is our last dinner..."

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