When Shi woke up again, he found that his hands were tied behind his back, his feet were tied, and his mouth was sealed with tape. He could not make a sound or move.

Jiang Xin fell not far away. There was a pool of blood under her body, but Zhang Hui, chestnut and Dong Qi disappeared.

It was not easy for her to rub against Jiang Xin. Her nose was close to Jiang Xin's face, and there was a faint breath. Maybe it's just because I lost too much blood that I fell unconscious.

As long as she is sent to hospital in time, Jiang Xin can still save her.

She turned her eyes and looked around. There were no windows and a musty smell. This place was wet and cold. It might be a basement. She looked up and saw that there was a floor on it, there was a faint leak of light, and a woman's faint groan came faintly.

Listen carefully, it seems to be Dong Qi.

If this is Dong Qi, where is Zhang Hui? Who planned today's play and what's the purpose?

There was no time for wishful thinking. She tried to rub against the wall and wanted to borrow the corner to grind away the hemp rope binding herself.

Jiang Xin has shed so much blood that she doesn't have much time.

While she was worried, suddenly smoke came from above. She knew it was bad when she smelled the strange smell. Such thick smoke must be caused by fire.

Coupled with the limited underground space, even if it is not burned, it will suffocate and die late.

Now she just wanted to untie the rope that bound her, but the smoke was getting thicker and thinner, and the air in the basement was getting thinner and thinner.

It's over. This time, she can't save herself and Jiang Xin

Just when she was discouraged, there was a familiar sound of footsteps. She was surprised and delighted. It was Lu Sui.

She knew the man so well that she knew it was him.

Lu Sui is up there. She wants to shout for help and tell Lu Sui that she is here and let him save Jiang Xin. However, she can't make a sound because her mouth is sealed.

When Lu Sui found Dong Qi, Dong Qi was dying.

At this time, the fire was getting bigger and bigger. He picked up Dong Qi and was about to leave. Dong Qi opened her eyes and saw him. She was surprised and happy: "aunt Jiang and aunt Jiang are also there. Save aunt Jiang first..."

Shi Zui in the basement was a little relieved to hear Dong Qi's words. She thought that Lu Sui would save Jiang Xin first no matter what? Her mother was so kind to him before. How could he not save Jiang Xin first?

Jiang Xin's previous breath was so weak that it would be too late if she didn't save it.

The footsteps above were only a slight meal, but Lu followed the footsteps away. She seemed to hear Dong Qi crying.

At this moment, she felt the taste of being swallowed up by despair again.

The hot tongue came through the door, and the air in the basement became thinner and thinner. She had no strength to make a dying struggle.

She didn't expect that she would be buried in this place in this way, and she didn't expect that Jiang Xin would eventually be buried with her.

She tried her best to climb to Jiang Xin and hold Jiang Xin's cold palm.

At the moment, Jiang Xin still has a faint breath, but no one saves her. Lu Sui would rather save Dong Qi than save Jiang Xin first.

Jiang Xin once liked Lu Sui as her own son, but what's the use? Lu Suiming knew Jiang Xin was here, but he only saved Dong Qi.

After that, she waited and waited, thinking that after Lu Sui rescued Dong Qi, Lu Sui would come back. In any case, Lu Sui has no reason not to save Jiang Xin.

But she didn't wait for anything.

When Jiang Xin's breathing became weaker and weaker and her temperature gradually lost, Lu Sui didn't come back


Ah, ask for a ticket.

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