Lu Wan felt that things were not so simple.

The police department investigated the case for half a month and made no progress. The suspect could not be found, and the scene was burned again. Only the scene of the cabin was well preserved.

The only reliable witness is chestnuts. Chestnuts can't say why. They just say they fell asleep at a loss. She doesn't know what happened later.

There is no such witness.

As for Dong Qi, she always felt that the woman's words were untrustworthy. How could it be so coincidence that Dong Qi was also on the scene?

After that, the police failed to obtain evidence several times.

Lu Wan also knows that in the long run, this case will become a pending case and eventually be settled.

For a long time, probably everyone will forget Jiang Xin and Shi Zui. She was afraid of such a result, even more afraid that she would forget it one day.

The police didn't investigate the case. She paid for a thorough investigation. I believe she can find out the real murderer who killed Jiang Xin and Shi Zui one day.

No matter who the real murderer is, Lu Sui has an inescapable responsibility.

He had a chance to save Shi Zui, but he finally chose Dong Qi.

She won't make Lu Sui and Dong Qi feel better. The people who hurt Shi Zui are her enemies

After Lu Sui left the police station that day, he booked a ticket to Ancheng to find a small catfish.

The little catfish is the child of him and Shi Zui. If Shi Zui is still alive, he will find the little catfish.

But when he arrived, he was still a step late.

Chu xiuzhan told him that the little catfish was devastated when he knew that Shi Zui had an accident. Because he was afraid of the little catfish, he simply sent the little catfish out of the country a few days ago.

"I'm the biological father of the little catfish. I have the right to know where he is!" Lu Suileng said.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The little catfish should be with Shi Zui at the moment. His intuition told him that Shi Zui was still alive, otherwise the little catfish wouldn't disappear at this time.

"You gave birth to him, but you never raised him. How can you be his father? I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. After the little catfish goes abroad, he won't return home in his life." Chu xiuzhan said what he wanted to say, asked the security guard, "please" and left Lu Sui.

Lu Sui went out of Shanhe group. If Chu xiuzhan didn't cheat him, even though Shi Zui was still alive, she went abroad, but she didn't plan to return home.

If so, what hope does he have in his life?

He stayed in Ancheng for more than half a month and never saw a small catfish around Chu xiuzhan. He knew that Chu xiuzhan didn't lie.

The little catfish did leave the city. As for where he went and whether he was drunk with Shi, perhaps only Chu xiuzhan knows.

Before boarding the plane, Lu Sui was still firm in his mind, and Shi Zui was still alive. As long as she is still alive, in his lifetime, he will see her again and see the little catfish again

Shi Zui was awakened by a nightmare again.

She narrowly escaped death and picked up a small life, but Jiang Xin was not so lucky. She wondered more than once if Lu Sui had saved Jiang Xin for the first time, wouldn't Jiang Xin have lost too much blood and died.

The little catfish slept and saw Shi wake up drunk, but he was crying silently. He also cried.

Shi Zui heard the cry of the little catfish and turned his eyes to the stuffy crying child.

As a mother, she didn't take good care of her children. Not only that, but also let the children worry about her. As a mother, she was really a failure.

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