Lin Zhao can't persuade Shi Shi. He knows that this woman is cruel and cruel. She doesn't care about the child's life and death. She just wants to change Lu Sui's child.

Finally, Lin Zhao sent Shi Zui to the delivery room. Shi Shi gave birth in the delivery room next door. These two delivery rooms are doctors arranged by Lin Zhao. Shi Shi was worried and sent someone to stare at the move here.

If he doesn't change the child, something will happen to Shi Shi.

But he also has his own plan. The child is to be changed, but he brings Lu Tao's illegitimate son over. He only raises Lu Tao's child to Shi Shi when Shi Zui gives birth to a child.

As for Shi Zui's son, he will take it with him first and make a decision after seeing the situation in the future.

And Shi's drunken baby daughter, he didn't intend to touch. He could tell from Shi Zui's words that she seemed to like her daughter very much.

Although Shi zuizui had difficulty giving birth, he finally survived with a strong will. Shi Shi took a step earlier than her and cut out a boy of about three kilograms in the delivery room next door.

Shi zuixiu belongs to natural production. Although the two children are small, they are very healthy. On the contrary, Shi Shi's child, because he didn't take good care of his body during pregnancy, forced caesarean section, and was not full-term, his breath was very weak.

When the two little boys were born, they were transferred to the bag.

Shi Shi's son was replaced by Shi Zui and entered the incubator; Lu Tao's illegitimate son is sent to Shi Shi by Lin Zhao; As for Shi Nian, he left his mother as soon as he was born and was temporarily raised by Lin Zhao.

I thought this was the end of the dust.

How did you know that at this time, the accident happened again.

Shi was very weak after giving birth. She was sleeping soundly. She didn't know that someone had sneaked into her ward to steal her child.

Her bed was near the door and placed in front of her bed. The door of the ward was broken and could not be closed tightly. The other party easily entered the ward and looked at the lovely baby in swaddling clothes. The woman picked up the child and ran away.

Shi was intoxicated to hear the news. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the picture of someone stealing her child. Her heart was broken and she stumbled out.

However, she just gave birth and couldn't run at all. She watched the person who stole the child run farther and farther.

At this time, Lou Qin came from Bincheng and saw this scene.

Shi Zui seemed to catch a straw: "come on, help me chase the child. My child was stolen by the woman in front..."

Lou QinGang almost ran into a woman holding a child just now. She immediately understood how she came back, "I will catch up with your child. Don't worry..."

Then she immediately chased after her.

Shi Zui wanted to catch up, but the wound cracked again. She couldn't stand the pain, and was finally swallowed by the darkness.

When Lin Zhao came back from paying his medicine bill, he saw Shi fainting in the corridor.

He quickly picked up Shi Zui and asked for a doctor.

The doctor shook his head after checking Shi Zui: "Miss Shi had dystocia and hurt the uterus. Just now she forced herself out of bed and made such a big move, and the wound opened again, which was very serious..."

The doctor didn't explain the other specific matters clearly, but Lin Zhao could hear that Shi Zui's injury was very serious and not optimistic.

He didn't expect such an accident to happen. If not, he will not leave the ward, and the person who stole the child will not have the opportunity to steal Shi Zui's daughter, and Shi Zui will not be hurt.

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