Wang Yan patted Shi Zui's back and said softly, "your anorexia is very serious. You have to cure it slowly. You can't come in a hurry."

She was gratified that Shi zuizui was actively cooperating with the treatment, which was much better than her negative attitude that year.

As long as Shi Zui wants to cure himself, there is hope for a cure.

Shi zuixi's eyes were firm and resolute: "I will get better!"

She wants to find out who killed Jiang Xin. Jiang Xin can't just die in vain.

The news given to her by the police was that the house was on fire, there was no sign of fighting at the scene, and the kidnapper had no clue. When chestnut woke up, she said she had been drugged. When she woke up, she found herself lying in the cabin without seeing anyone else, including Jiang Xin and Dong Qi.

As for Dong Qi, she did take the initiative to go to Jiang's house and wanted Jiang Xin to persuade Shi Zui to go back to an City after the new year. As for why she also fell to the ground later, there are still signs of fighting over the cabin, and why Zhang Hui also fell, it is a mystery at present.

Maybe it's just a trap. Someone is laying doubts.

Zhang Hui is missing. Even Shi Daming is missing. If you want to ask the truth, you can only find Dong Qi.

Dong Qi has many criminal records. She doesn't believe Dong Qi at all. Even if Dong Qi gives her the answer, she won't believe what Dong Qi says.

So she has to check it herself.

Under this premise, she has to completely cure her anorexia. She can't be so cowardly anymore.

At first, Wang Yan only said that Shi Zui was cheering herself up. She had seen many anorexic patients. It was very difficult to cure them completely. This is a stubborn disease that can't be cured overnight.

In addition, Shi Zui suffered from very serious anorexia many years ago. Shi Zui almost died that time. Later, if he hadn't forgotten the past, Shi Zui couldn't get through this disaster.

So this time, she didn't expect much.

In fact, she underestimated Shi Zui. The woman's willpower was amazing. Even if she didn't want to eat any more, she still clenched her teeth and swallowed it. She vomited after eating and continued to eat until the food entered her stomach.

After suffering for more than half a month, Shi's drunken anorexia was greatly relieved.

Her anorexia began to get better and put forward a new study plan.

Yao Lijun didn't expect that Shi zuizui would take the initiative to put forward a plan to study the lady course. She also planned to wear a skirt.

"My mother used to want me to wear a skirt and not to be so rude. I feel troublesome. Every time she opens her mouth, I am impatient and ignore her." Shi Zui said, frowning.

From now on, no one will nag her, but she is so lonely.

She and Jiang Xin depend on each other for half a life, but when everything will improve, Jiang Xin left her.

"Good boy, ah Xin has knowledge under the spring and knows that you are clever and sensible. She will be at ease." Yao Lijun held back her tears and gently hugged Shi Zui: "from now on, I will be your mother. I will take good care of you for ah Xin."

"Aunt is an aunt and mother is a mother. We can't confuse them. Thank you for your kindness. I'm fine, just a little sigh." Shi Zui politely declined.

Yao Lijun frowned. How does she tell the child that she is the child's real mother?

Of course, she can't tell the child the truth at this time. Jiang Xin has raised her for more than 20 years, and her kindness is greater than heaven.

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