My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1011: Storm over the city (3)

Chapter 1011 is full of wind and rain (3)

Who knows, someone who didn't know where came from behind pushed him, and directly pushed many people in front of him. Some reporters could not stand securely. Seeing that Lianren took a camera and rushed towards Wushuang.

Xiao Wu was horrified, directly blocking Wushuang, for fear that those reporters would hurt Wushuang.

Wushuang was also worried, frowning and subconsciously protecting her lower abdomen and retreating, suddenly, pulling over her arm with force.

Wushuang looked back and was very surprised, it turned out to be Cheng Lang!

"Let go!"

Wushuang didn't know why he appeared here, but his sudden appearance would naturally not be a good thing.

"Baby, are you okay? Not scared, are you?"

Wushuang took a breath, Cheng Lang called her a baby?

Did she hear me right? What is this guy making?

"Cheng Lang, let me go!"

Wushuang's other hand protecting her lower abdomen did not dare to move, so she could only break free from her and pulled her own hand.

Xiao Wu reacted and ignored the crowd in front of him, trying to pull Wushuang Cheng Lang away. Who knows, Cheng Lang was also carrying a bodyguard around him. Before Xiao Wu met Cheng Lang, the two people beside him The bodyguard started the small five first.

In this situation, friends in the media were boiling, and even the reporter who fell on the ground smelled the smell of dog blood, and immediately took a few photos with the camera while lying on the ground.

Tomorrow's headline is here.

Cheng Lang seemed to be satisfied with the quick response of the reporters, holding Wushuang's hand and smiling at them like a goodwill ambassador.

"Stay back a little, don't scare my baby."

"Dong Cheng, can you explain your relationship with Madam Mu? Why do you use such an intimate name?"

The reporters who came later asked more acute questions, "I heard that Cheng Dong has been single and unmarried for many years, and now he is so defending Madam Mu, could it be..."

The following words are self-evident.

"Yes, Dong Cheng, let's analyze it. Mu Dong and Mrs. Mu are getting married soon. It's easy to misunderstand your baby. Does Mu Dong know your relationship?"


At this time, Wushuang over there was entangled by two bodyguards, Wushuang could not care about so much. Since he couldn't break free, he could only lift his foot and step on his leather shoes.

Cheng Lang was in pain, but was still unwilling to let go.

"Let go! We are both relatives and unreasonable. If we don't let go, I will sue you for being indecent in full view!"

Wushuang saw that he still refused to let go, staring at him coldly.

"Wushuang, I was kind enough to save you from the fire and water. Not only did you not appreciate it, you also bite me back."

"Let go!"

The pain from the wrist, with such intensity, Wushuang knew that his wrist must be red and swollen. This was on purpose.

Wushuang raised the hand protecting his lower abdomen, exhausted all his strength, and hit Cheng Lang's left eye with a punch.

Cheng Lang didn't expect that Wushuang would make a sudden move, and the movement was still so swift, and this hit him directly, and then took a few steps back.

Wushuang retracted his wrist and deliberately showed it to the media. As expected, there was a big circle of green red. There must be a reason for the beating. If it were not for self-defense, this servant would have to be investigated and might even go to court.

"Dong Cheng, I, Jing Wushuang, used to have no hatred with you, and today I have no resentment with you. What do you mean by hurting me like this for no reason? I reserve the right to hold you accountable for hurting others intentionally!"

In the end Wushuang decided to preemptively and raised his wrist towards him so as not to take a bite in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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