My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1062: Doubt (1)

Chapter 1062 Doubt (1)

Su Ran hadn't spoken yet, Mu Zhilan had already spoken first, "You kid, you have a three-minute enthusiasm for everyone, but fortunately you haven't brought it home, otherwise your grandfather should be angry."

"No, mother, I tried very hard to chase her, and I really like her, but she is not moved, what can I do?"

Although Mu Yuhao is not one of those playboys who mess around with men and women, there are many girls who like him. He has been frustrated twice when he grows up like this. One is Jing Wushuang, and the other is Dili Lan'er.

Jing Wushuang lost to his uncle, but Dili Lan'er didn't even know who he lost to, so he was really depressed.

"Okay, you don't think people are reliable. Another day, go and see the girl your grandfather said. Your grandfather's vision is accurate, so you can listen to him. Don't be so naive."

Compared with Mu Yuhao's vision, Mu Zhilan is more willing to believe in Mu Baichuan's vision. Wushuang and Mu Jinchen are the best examples.

"Mom, why am I not reliable? I don't want to go on a blind date, old fashioned!"

Su Ran was happy when he heard it, "My nephew, shouldn't you notice that there is a pair of successful blind dates on the scene? Also the piano and singing."

"Ran Ran is right. Didn't your uncle and Shuangshuang succeed on a blind date? How nice it is to be with Hemeimei now."

"Mom, that's a special case. Besides, they knew each other before the blind date, so it was easy to succeed. I still advocate free love. Mom, I'm still young. Wait until I'm thirty-two."

"You kid..."

Mu Zhilan groaned him helplessly.

"Yu Hao, it turns out that you were pursuing Dili Lan'er then?"

Wushuang saw them in the hospital once when she just came back. She didn't gossip like Su Ran, but didn't pay much attention to the following news.

Mu Yuhao brushed the hair in front of his forehead and made a self-confident action before answering Wushuang's words, "In fact, how do you say it? At the beginning, it felt good. She also promised to give me a chance, but then she always felt that she I don’t want to let go of something in my heart. After a long time, I also feel that the two personalities don’t match, so forget it."

Wushuang nodded, "Indeed, I remember when Fei Fei asked her if she was a couple with Xu Yicheng, she also said that it was not, she had someone in her heart, and I thought she would open up and accept you so quickly. ."

"Xu Yicheng?" Mu Jinchen interjected. He was very sensitive to this name. After all, this was a person with Cheng Lang.

Wushuang nodded again, "Yes, do you remember the camera snatched from Xiao Ma last time? Xiao Ma Street took a photo of Xu Yicheng with her, and Faey saw it, and went to question her, she seemed It is said that I met Xu Yicheng when we were in country D, but we were not a couple, but when we saw that photo, we thought they should be a couple, right?"

Su Ran waved his hand disapprovingly, "Of course there are many good-looking girl suitors. She is so good-looking, it's normal to have a few suitors."

Mu Yuhao remembered what happened at the entrance of the film and television city that day, and also interjected, "Xu Yicheng seemed to be pestering her. I also ran into a dispute between them at the entrance of the film and television city that day.

He thought for a while and said, "Moreover, the words of the two seem to be inconsistent. Xu Yicheng tried his best to clarify the relationship, saying that he was nothing more than ordinary men's hope for celebrities to Xiao Di, and Xiao Di said that he was in country D. I knew each other, they were ordinary friends."

(End of this chapter)

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