My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1080: Mention of life experience (6)

Chapter 1080 mentions life experience (6)

Jing Beitang’s words directly overturned his eager answer. He previously guessed that he might be the son of King R, and King R has no children. Cheng Lang is sure that he will take him back and inherit the throne so he values ​​his back. identity of.

But now that Grandpa said so, he was a little at a loss, and he didn't even have a direction to trace back.

As for King D, he is almost 70 years old now, and there is no other prince of the same age in the royal family. Could it be that his speculation is really wrong?

What if Cheng Lang's fancy isn't the identity behind him?

Besides, he said that his power is so great that he can be taken away without any effort. This...

"Grandpa, are you sure that King R has never been to City S?"

"You don't have any evidence that he has been to City S, right? Chen'er, the water in King R's house is too deep. In fact, it's best to pray not, and your appearance—"

Jing Beitang stared at him earnestly for a long time, stroked his beard and shook his head, "It really doesn’t look like him at all. You are more inclined to look at the Mu family. You’ve seen Charlotte before, but Xia Sujun is with him. There are some similarities. Although the members of the royal family of R are biased towards the east, they all have a feminine beauty, which can be said to be male and female."

Mu Jinchen nodded, he had also heard of this, since this is the case, he may have to look for a new direction of tracing.

Wushuang’s clear water eyes stared roundly, looking at this one and the other for a while, reaching out and grabbing the hair, "Mu Jinchen, what you said makes me a headache, why never Did you mention it?"

Mu Jinchen looked like a little woman, and said softly, "Isn't it just for fear of your headaches? Nothing has been confirmed. Everything is just a one-sided speculation. What do you say?"

"Then you say it again?" Wushuang stared at him for a while, his eyes flashed again, and he kept nodding his little head, "Oh, I see, you don't think you can keep it from now, paper bag Don’t let the fire go before you are willing to say it? Mu Jinchen, you are not sincere!"

So childish, the elders present shook their heads. This son-in-law really spoils Wushuang. Wushuang has always been very sensible, and acting like a baby is also very graceful, and now he is like a child.

But she was still pregnant with a child.

Xia Muxue glared at her daughter, "Shuangshuang, okay, this is not something that must be said. If it is not a big trouble, what should I do to say it? Isn't it just adding a block to you?"

Wushuang curled his lips, "Mom, you don't even know Mu Jinchen, many things like to be kept in your heart not to say, am I afraid that he will be broken?"

Wushuang, this is a big truth. Mu Jinchen would talk to her heart-to-heart, but he never said the most hidden part of his heart. It's not that he didn't know that he had something on his mind, but he didn't want to say it, and Wushuang has never forced him. He's nothing.

But I don't want to, he hides the deepest it is indeed such a worry, she just heartaches him.

Mu Jinchen squeezed the little woman's small hand, "Wu Shuang, this is not Cheng Lang's relationship. I don't want to mention it for a lifetime. It's not that it's glamorous, but it's unnecessary. I'm used to myself. I don’t plan to change my identity. However, I’m thinking of holding a press conference directly after our wedding to announce my relationship with the Mu family. This is just to rectify my identity. It’s better than Cheng Langdang’s scandal. ."

(End of this chapter)

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