My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1194: Wedding Eve (25)

Chapter 1194 The Wedding Eve (25)

Qi Dong’s tone on the phone was a little irritable, "Master, it’s last night that we were all taken down. The first person who just woke up notified me immediately, but I guess Cheng Lang might have left Thailand long ago. ."

In Thailand, Cheng Lang could be rescued under the guard of the palace personnel. He guessed it was the best choice. This result was also within his expectation, but it could be two days later. The wedding ended two days later. No matter how Cheng Lang messed up, it wouldn't affect his wedding with Wushuang. Now that the wedding is just around the corner, there must be something wrong with it.

Mu Jinchen moved his hand covering the sun to his temple and rubbed it, and said immediately, “Keep an eye on all the channels that enter S City, including the three roads of sea, land and air. Once you find Cheng Lang’s trail, take the person off first. The security at the wedding site has been tripled to ensure that there is nothing wrong with it, and the news is blocked first, and other things will be discussed after the wedding."

"Understand the young master, I will order people to step up precautions to ensure that your wedding with the young lady can be completed smoothly. Young master, Qi Dong wishes you a hundred years of good harmony and forever together."

Mu Jinchen's tone eased a bit, "Thank you, Qi Dong, if you have someone you like, hurry up. The more sensible man is, the more he must believe in his first instinct."

Qi Dong was taken aback, and soon understood what Mu Jinchen meant. When he first saw Madam Young, the Young Master already knew that this was the person he was looking for.

"Understood, thank you, Master, I will speed up the deployment."

"By the way, did Cheng Lang call Cheng Lan or Xu Yicheng?" Mu Jinchen asked again.

"No, Dili Lan'er and Xu Yicheng's mobile phones were also secretly hooked. Cheng Lang didn't contact anyone after escaping. As for where he went, there is currently no clue."

"I see, please keep your eyes on it."

After hanging up Qi Dong's phone, Lao Hu, who helped the project to finish the final work, walked over, "Mu Dong, this transparent ladder is double-sided glass. You can see everything below from above, but you can’t see from below , So you and Vice President Jing, oh, I should change my name to Mrs. Mu, so I can walk through with peace of mind."

Mu Jinchen nodded. When designing this transparent ladder, he forgot to consider the problem that people who walked up might wear out skirts. He only discovered the mystery when he went down and looked up, so he called the contractor. Just ask.

"I didn't mention this. I am grateful if you can pay attention to it."

Old Hu scratched the back of his head and smiled honestly, "You and Mrs. Mu are both good people, especially Mrs. Mu, who helped me so much at the beginning. I just used my heart. This is the venue for your big wedding. I Don’t dare to be a little sloppy, and I don’t need to increase my budget in terms of materials, just treat it as my wedding gift to you."

Mu Jinchen shook his head, "Old Hu, favor is favor, and business is business. I know that you don't make much money in this project. When you pay the balance, I will add the remuneration you deserve. This little money is for us. It's not a big deal, but you, you should take good care of those brothers who have worked so hard for so long."

Old Hu was overjoyed. He always told him that it was a great gift to receive this project. When he quoted the price, he really only added labor. Strictly speaking, he did not make money. Adding the material cost of double-sided glass, he was equal to It was doing it at a loss, but he was also willing.

(End of this chapter)

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