My Third Gentleman

Chapter 123: Sick again (1)

Chapter 123 is sick again (1)

He leaned back on the chair, turned his neck slightly, thought about it and took the phone and sent Wushuang a WeChat message, "Breakfast is delicious, thank you."

I clicked send, my eyes scanned the breakfast on the table that I hadn't touched at all, and my thin lips pursed with self-deprecation. It turns out I have such a hypocritical moment.

Monday morning is the worst time at work. The weekend syndrome has not yet passed, and most people are unable to enter the state.

However, Wushuang was already very busy, and Director Lu, who they secretly called the "devil's head", called everyone in the department to have a regular meeting early in the morning.

The "devil head" has never been recognized by the six relatives. During the meeting, no one is allowed to go on a desertion. Bringing a mobile phone is the number one taboo. People who sneak in will only be quietly turned on silent, but at this moment there is a "tick" sound of text messages. .

"Did you take my words as the wind? Who brought the mobile phone in!" Director Lu's guide tapped on the desk and asked harshly.

This is the first time that Wushuang has committed such a taboo. He just rushed to help Mu Jinchen buy breakfast, but he forgot to turn off his mobile phone in a hurry.

"Sorry, Director, my fault."

Director Lu glanced at Wushuang, seeing that it was this well-behaved, well-behaved love general, and her expression eased a little, "Be careful next time."

"I will." While talking, the phone was turned to silent mode, and she inadvertently caught a glimpse of the majestic **** dog head, she knew who the culprit was.

Wushuang had free time to send the sandwiches to the heavenly court. Before he had time to eat, Wu Zang Temple had been protesting, especially her stomach, which was vaguely uncomfortable.

And Director Lu was still frothing, without any intention of stopping.

"Wushuang, talk about the progress of the cooperation project with G City Haitian Group that you are responsible for recently."

There was no response for a long time, Director Lu took the guide and tapped the desk hard, frowning unhappy.

On weekdays, this love will do everything seriously and meticulously. Why is it not in a state to hold a meeting today.

"Miss Jing? What's wrong with you?" Xiaotang, the assistant sitting next to her, noticed her strangeness.

Wushuang pressed a hand on his stomach, his face pale and painful.

"Xiaotang, I have a stomach attack, so take me to the hospital." Wushuang tried very hard to speak completely, his stomach hurts as if his internal organs had moved.

Director Lu quickly noticed Wushuang's abnormality and made a decisive decision, pointing to the two girls next to Wushuang and saying, "You two helped Wushuang go out, and Xiaotang went straight to the garage and drove the car to the lobby door to wait."

Everyone responded repeatedly that the director's courage can still be seen at the critical moment. Although her work is rigorous, she is not impersonal.

As soon as the door of the conference room opened, the person who helped Wushuang went out almost ran into the secretary who was about to knock on the door.

"Director Lu, just now the secretary in the chairman's office called and said that the chairman has something to ask Miss Jing to go up."

Director Lu listened, his brows were so frowning that he could catch flies. Yu Gong, she is Wushuang's immediate boss, and the department’s project managers have always been responsible for projects by her. How could Wushuang go up across the level? .

She turned her head, looked at Wushuang's painful look, and said, "The meeting is suspended, you first take her to the hospital, I will go up and see what's wrong with Mr. Mu."

(End of this chapter)

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