My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1256: R King Room (15)

Chapter 1256 R Royal (15)

This Princess Ina has been like this since entering the door. She has used the nobility and elegance of the disguise to cover up her domineering domineering. Mu Jinchen narrowed his eyes slightly, but she couldn't see it. She was about to speak to defend Mu Zhilan. Mu Zhi Lan already smiled faintly and replied, "Neither I nor my son want to appear in front of your Lord. I wonder if the princess can help us? If it can, we will be grateful. Our family is in S city. Our son's surname is Mu. We live very well in S City. If we can, I really don't want to get involved with any one of your royal family."

Princess Ina looked at her again, seeming to be judging the authenticity of her words. However, Mu Zhilan’s light and breezy face somewhat stimulated her. It was only a disguised education for many years. Ina took her own emotions. Cover up well.

But he snorted coldly in his heart. The Lord hates someone gesticulating in front of him. If her words are useful, why not come here in person.

Ina grabbed the sharpness in her slightly deep eyes and smiled decently, "That's the decision of the king, and I can't control it as a woman. Since Ms. Mu is not in my country of R, it is naturally best. But don’t blame me for being abrupt, Ms. Mu. I think Ms. Mu is also a husband, so she can naturally understand me. What can we hope for at our age? Don’t just hope that old couples and wives can be peaceful and beautiful. After the rest of your life? Ms. Mu, you know."

Mu Zhilan smiled softly. Since she was here to disarm her, she didn't want to say much, but she really didn't know how long Mu Jinchen would stay here, lest she and Mu Jinchen would wear small shoes, so she had to entertain her again. The sentence, "What the princess said is extremely true, my husband is also an excellent person, and naturally he understands the princess's mind"

When Yina heard that Mu Zhilan had a husband, she turned her eyebrows, not as sharp as before. She seemed to be relieved a lot, "This is the best. The father’s style, I believe, will definitely bring a whole new scene to our country."

When Ina said this, she watched Mu Jinchen say it, and then turned to Jing Beitang, “It’s such a blessing to have a grandson-in-law, and Uncle Beitang is so blessed, then I won’t bother you guys anymore. If you need anything else, you can. Find me."

After Princess Ina finished speaking, she calculated her speed and distance and walked outside the door.

Jing Beitang said, "Zhi Lan, this woman doesn’t have to be too careful about what she said. She has been in this royal family all her life and has nothing to do all day. All she thinks about is how to please the Lord. How to keep her position as a princess. She was born from a famous nobleman, with good knowledge and education, but her heart is vulgar. Just listen to her words."

Mu Zhilan faintly retracted his gaze from the background, and shook his head indifferently, "Jing Lao is relieved, I always don't care about the words of insignificant people. Besides, I am also a woman, and I can understand her concern. , But it is also superfluous. It is impossible for me to have any contact with that monarch."

Jing Beitang stroked his beard, nodded, and said meaningfully, "Zhilan, if you say so, I am relieved. Young ignorance and unwillingness will sometimes make people make some wrong judgments. Jun. If you are not a person who has long love for your children, if you put your feelings on him, you will probably be sad."

(End of this chapter)

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