My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1326: Bottom line (4)

Chapter 1326 Bottom Line (4)

Mu Zhilan turned aside and did not look at him. He was half-believing in what men said. After all, he was the person on the side of the pillow who had slept in the same bed for decades, and Chen'er was just the son of his only fate. That poor blood relationship, in his eyes, may be too shallow.

"My lord, is there news about Cheng Lan?" Wushuang asked when he heard Xia Su send someone to chase Cheng Lan.

Xia Su then turned his gaze to Wushuang.

Wushuang changed into a white dress and tied a white bandage on his hands. His complexion was also a bit bad, and he looked a little weak.

Xia Su's gaze turned to her belly somehow, and it stopped in an instant. In just a few seconds, the emotions in her eyes were very complicated, like joy, like anger...

"Zhilan, this is..." After a long while, he pointed to Wushuang's stomach and asked Mu Zhilan.

Mu Zhilan snorted coldly. After all, the child in Wushuang's belly is also his grandson, and he also has the right to know.

"Both are pregnant for more than four months. Fortunately, she is fine now, otherwise..."

"Is this Jin Chen's child?" Xia Suqing asked Wushuang ecstatically as his cold eyes lit up.

Wushuang curled his lips, asking this question, who would it be that the child in her belly is not Mu Jinchen?

"No, I mean, Jin Chen has a child, I have a grandson?" Xia Su also realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly corrected it.

"My lord, although I don't like you very much, after all, you did not care about our wishes and used that way to bring Mu Jinchen here and injure him so badly. This is indeed your grandson, but he It’s with the surname Mu, don’t think about letting him inherit Country R or something."

Wushuang thinks it is better to make some things clear first. If this guy finds out that he has a grandson one day, she can't stand that kind of drama again.

Although he knew that this time things had nothing to do with him, but it was good to make this cold old man feel guilty.

It took a long time for Xia Su to find his own voice. He didn't expect that he suddenly had a son, and then a grandson soon. This made him unhappy.

He saw the wound on Wushuang's arm again, and his eyes that had just ignited his temperature became gloomy and cold again, "Don't worry, I will not let any of you hurt.

"I hope you can do what you say. Country R is not big, but you still have no information about hunting down a helicopter. You really doubt your ability to do things."

Wushuang is not polite to talk to him now. Strictly speaking, if he hadn't brought Mu Jinchen to Country R, ​​nothing like this would have happened.

"It's pretty slick." Xia Su said Wushuang, with a tone of elder spoiling the younger generation.

"Okay, I will give you an explanation personally on this matter. Let me take me to see Jin Chen first."

Wushuang looked at his wrist wrapped like a pig's hoof, curled his lips, thinking about taking him there, but Jing Beitang pulled her back, "I'll go with Junshan. After tossing for so long, you have a good rest. ."

Wushuang knew that Grandpa might have something to talk to Xia Su alone, and wittyly left a space for them.

"Mom, your lord is a bit sincere towards Mu Jinchen." After Xia Su was gone, Wushuang said to Mu Zhilan.

"Shuangshuang, Zhenxin is too extravagant. Not everyone is willing to take it out. Let's watch it first."

Wushuang thought of the entanglement between Mu Zhilan and him, and sighed inwardly, but didn't say anything more.

I'm here today, good night

(End of this chapter)

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