My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1351: Farewell (1)

Chapter 1351 Farewell (1)

Mu Jinchen raised his eyes and glanced at his relieved mother. Suddenly he didn't know how to answer. Every man has something that he most wants to pursue in his heart. Xia Su dedicated his life to the country and people. The little bit of heart that leaked from his fingers was given to his mother, but he did not know that it affected his mother's life.

His mother should have annoyed him, but she didn't. There was even a little pride in her relieved beautiful eyes.

Yes, she was proud of such a man, even if he lived up to the country and the people, but only failed her.

"Mother, it doesn't matter how a man is, how he treats you is the most important thing. To you, he is not a good man, but he is indeed a good national leader."

Mu Zhilan nodded, with a smile of relief on the corners of his lips, "Chen'er, I know what you mean, when I was young, I couldn’t see that we weren’t the same, but now it’s clear, don’t worry, I I put it down."

"Mom, I think you didn't come in vain this time. It is a happy thing to let go of your heart knot for so many years."

Mu Zhilan took Wushuang's hand, "Shuangshuang, you and Chen Er have had a good time, you must cherish it."

Don't take a good time, this is Mu Zhilan's best blessing to the younger generation.

"Mom, we will."

While talking, Xia Su happened to return from office work, and saw Mu Zhilan standing in front of the bookcase with his son and daughter-in-law, talking warmly. The phrase "Don’t miss a good time" just fell into his ears. The picture was beautiful. He couldn't bear to disturb him, it seemed that he had lost Mu Zhilan's best time.

Xia Su's footsteps still disturbed the family of three.

"Sorry, I have been waiting for some urgent matters temporarily." Xia Su said lightly, suppressing the surge in his heart.

"It's okay, we have just arrived, but we are embarrassed. Seeing that you have a lot of books, I couldn't help but look through it." It is rude to read people's things without the owner's consent.

"Confidential documents are in the study, and you can read the books in the living room at will."

Xia Su swept the indifferent and graceful Mu Zhilan. His gentle, virtuous and handsome and stable son was so proud that he felt an unspeakable feeling of comfort. He always felt that there was something from the bottom of his heart. Surging out.

But he knew clearly that it was a beautiful and short time he had stolen, just like Cinderella after midnight, and always had to return when the time was up.

He sighed secretly before saying, "You are all hungry, let's sit down."

Xia Su made a please gesture toward the living room, which was the last supper that he didn't want to give up, and he still had to be seated at the time that should be seated.

This is the first time a family of four have lunch together.

Yes, a family of four. This is the first time that Mu Jinchen has a meal with his biological father and mother. Although he is calm on the surface, strange emotions are surging in his heart. It is hard to say what it feels like.

Wushuang knew him, pulled his big hand from under the table and rubbed it, giving him silent support and comfort in his own way.

Mu Jinchen knew it, and held it back gently, without words, even the tacit understanding that didn't even look in his eyes flowed gently between the couple.

Naturally, Xia Su and Mu Zhilan did not know these interactions.

Xia Su personally added wine to everyone, and when Wushuang arrived, she carefully changed her into juice.

Jenny finally found the rent to live in. She just finished cleaning up, and the update will be resumed tomorrow. Don’t worry, everyone, I’m really embarrassed recently.

(End of this chapter)

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