My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1562: Missed (4)

Chapter 1562 missed (4)

"Yuan Yuan is going to get vaccinations?"

"Yes." Zhengming didn't lie. Qi Dong told him two days earlier, so that he could arrange Mu Yuhao's itinerary for this day and try to stay in the company.

"Okay, I know, you go back first. Today's itinerary can be pushed as far as possible. I have to get off work early to see Yuanyuan." I don't know if his laughing nephew will cry if he is vaccinated. Go back early to accompany him.

"By the way, did you stay here all the time last night?" Mu Yuhao asked suddenly.

Zhengming waved his hand quickly, "No, I only arrived in the morning."

Zhengming lied without blushing or breathing.

"Then have you seen other people leaving the room in the morning?"

Zhengming shook his head, "No."


It was definitely impossible for Jun Feifei to be there when eating breakfast. She was afraid that Mu Yuhao would make her responsible, and she would have slipped away long ago.

During the dinner, Mu Yuhao seemed a little absent-minded.

Zhang Xiaowei led him several times to talk about the appointment/fire that night, but he seemed to turn a deaf ear, as if the encounter that night had never existed.

Mu Yuhao had been wondering who the woman who spent the night with him last night would be if it weren't Jun Fei Fei.

His and even though it was fragmented, his subconscious thought that the woman he was holding was Jun Fei, and when he had a spring/dream in her hands, he was particularly satisfied.

The touch of the nephrite Wenxiang in his arms is still lingering. In fact, except for Jun Fei Fei, no other woman has ever appeared in his spring/dream.

He shook his head, nothing happened, anyway.

Mu Yuhao’s reaction was another kind of humiliation in Zhang Xiaowei’s eyes. She was sitting across from him with such a living beauty. He didn’t even look at it during the whole process. It could even be said to be ignoring. Fei Fei is here, he must not be so.

Is birth really that important? Doesn't even the male **** deserve a chance to look up?

"Mr. Mu, are you and Fai Fei a couple?" Zhang Xiaowei asked tentatively.

Mu Yuhao obviously didn't expect that she would ask this question, he was taken aback, and then smiled, "You can ask Jun Feifei about this question."

Zhang Xiaowei smiled decently, "I asked, she said that the relationship between you is just a cover, not a real relationship."

Mu Yuhao snorted and put down the coffee in his hand, "Since your good friend has answered this question, then you still ask me?"

"I hope Mr. Mu can answer positively. After all, this question is very important."

Mu Yuhao put his hands behind his head and looked at her with great interest, feeling a little familiar in a trance, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Mu Yuhao's strangeness naturally couldn't escape Zhang Xiaowei's shrewd beautiful eyes, "Mu always remembered? That day in Yanjiang Road, White Swan's presidential suite..."

Mu Yuhao's face collapsed instantly, put down the arm that was behind his head, and nodded, "So it's you."

"Mr. Mu is forgotten, and finally remembered me. That's right, it's me. I didn't expect us to have a chance to see you again."

Mu Yuhao's first reaction was actually a fright. She didn't know if she had told Jun Fei about this, but subconsciously, he didn't want Jun Fei to know about it.

"I have to say sorry for this incident. I was in a bad mood and behaved a little wrong that day. Fortunately, nothing happened. After all, nothing happened between us, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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