My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1586: Returning with a child (11)

Chapter 1586 Return with the Son (11)

Looking at Tang Mubai's back, Guo Zhijie's stern face was forgiving. Weiwei had a good vision before and was a strong enemy.

Wushuang drove in front. Today, she deliberately drove a seven-seater commercial vehicle with two children's seats installed on it. Yuanyuanbao presented treasures to her brother along the way.

"Brother Godsend, you definitely don’t know many things when you come back for the first time. I tell you, there is a swing in my father-in-law’s house that my grandfather made for her when I was a little girl. In two peach blossoms... well, what are you saying Yuan Yuan said, forgetting the name of the tree with the swing in the middle.

"It's a plum, one red and two white plums." Xia Ziwei touched the child's head and said, really a cheerful and lively child. Compared to Godsend, he is good at expressing too much.

The temperament is a bit like Wushuang when he was a child, innocent and warm, kind and loving...

"Yes, my aunt knows it too. It's plum blossoms. The middle of the two plum blossoms, one red and one white, can still be used now. Godsend brother, you can sit and play."

Yuanyuan knew that he was going to the grandfather's house, so he took out his favorite things and shared with Godsend.

The innocent big eyes kept staring at Godsend, full of expectation.

Wushuang's gentle eyes looked at the two children through the rearview mirror, and smiled, "My younger brother is still young, and he is not suitable for swings for the time being. Only when he grows up to be as old as you can he sit."

"That's it..." Baby Yuan Yuan was a little distressed, "Can I sit on the Trojan horse my father-in-law made for me?"

Wushuang smiled again, "It's natural, but have you forgotten it? The father-in-law made one for the younger brother too. Put the two together."

Yuan Yuan suddenly realized that he kept pointing his head, "Well, Godsend brother, we can be a Trojan horse together."

Compared with Yuan Yuan's enthusiasm, Xiao Tianci's expression was a little dull, and he nodded rarely when he looked at Yuan Yuan's shining big eyes.

This is already his liking for Yuan Yuan's performance, and Xia Ziwei is already very pleased.

Wushuang had already noticed that Tianzi was different from ordinary children. It seemed to be much slower, but it was not easy to ask in front of him. He wanted to find time to ask.

"Cousin, does Mr. Guo know the way to summer garden?"

Xia Ziwei nodded, "I know, I left him a message."

"He and Tang Mubai won't really fight, right?" Wushuang was afraid that the two would make a big fight, so he took the child away immediately.

Xia Ziwei shook her head, "No, Zhijie is a very calm person, he will handle such small things very well."

"You trust him very much."

"He is a very nice person."

Wushuang looked at Tianci from the rear mirror again, "Then Tang Mubai..."

Wushuang wanted to say that he was always a godsend father, and he couldn't let them recognize each other for the rest of his life. This was also very unfair to godsend.

Xia Ziwei's beautiful eyes looked at the scenery outside the window quickly receding, nothing seemed to have changed in two years, and everything seemed to have changed. The familiar city and the muddy air were always the place where she felt the most belonging.

"I just want to serve Grandpa well and teach Godsend. I don't have that kind of relationship with Zhijie. As for other things, I won't think about it for the time being."

Wushuang understood what she meant, and denied Guo Zhijie's identity in one sentence, and did not seal off her and Tang Mubai's future. Everything is unknown, and it is vital to settle down well.

(End of this chapter)

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