My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1596: Turning the window to commit crimes (3)

Chapter 1596 Turning the window to commit crimes (3)

"Why did you appear here?" Walking to the outside of the suite, Xia Ziwei put away her weakness, and asked in a tough tone.

Tang Mubai squinted his eyes, and erected his armor as soon as he stared at it. The defensive woman looked very unhappy.

"Naturally came in by climbing the window." Tang Mubai said inexplicably and confidently.

"It seems that I want the housekeeper to install a thick anti-theft net." Xia Ziwei's tone was still cold.

"Weiwei, do we have to speak like this?" After seeing Xia Ziwei's fragility, Tang Mubai's tone could no longer be tough.

Xia Ziwei never underestimated Tang Mubai's persistence. She knew that no matter how cold her tone was, she wouldn't be able to scare him away. In this seven or eight years of chasing you after me, she consumed all her youth and passion.

From a ignorant girl to a mother with more than one year old children, she was no longer the Xia Ziwei who hated her in retrospect.

The man in front of him was no different from the memory. The years did not leave too many marks on his face. In addition to being more persistent, he was actually more attractive than before.

Her tone softened, her eyes looking at the man were sincere, "Tang Mubai, I am already the mother of a child, stop pestering me and let each other make a living?"

Tang Mubai swept the big bed in the room and asked, "Whose child is he?"

That child felt too strong for him, and always felt that he had some kind of connection with him.

Xia Ziwei smiled, with a natural smile, "Isn't it too strange for you to ask? Haven't you seen my child's father at the airport today?"

Tang Mubai stared straight at her, not letting go of any subtle expression on her face, "Weiwei, your reaction is too fast, without hesitation, as if you have practiced countless times, I doubt him It’s my child, I’m going to do a paternity test."

Xia Ziwei's heart was already stormy, but she didn't show it at all on the surface. She didn't even move her eyes, avoiding his topic, "Tang Mubai, I know you can't accept this fact for the time being. I miscarried twice. It’s not easy to get pregnant. However, an accident with Zhijie made me conceive a gift from heaven and gave birth to him smoothly. I think this is the fate between me and him, but I have never had a relationship with you. Will you let us go?"

Xia Ziwei's voice was very weak, with some kind of request, even pleading.

Tang Mubai's fists were already clenched, "Xia Ziwei, we were just before leaving the country... How can you be nice to others so quickly? How can you wear such a big green hat? How can you?!"

At the end, Tang Mubai's emotions agitated again, thinking that the angelic child inside was not Tang Mubai's son, but a green hat, his heart couldn't calm down.

"I told you I broke up." Compared with Tang Mubai's collapse, Xia Ziwei seemed too calm, even she herself almost thought she was telling the truth.

For the sake of grandpa, for Xia Yuan, this lie must be told. Neither Grandpa nor this battered Xia Yuan can withstand the toss. For her, giving up Tang Mubai is not a sacrifice.

As long as Xia Yuan can maintain this calm and grandfather is not disturbed by the outside world, Tang Mubai can abandon it.

Or that her already scarred love can be abandoned.

(End of this chapter)

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