My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1702: Heartfelt (4)

The Voice of Chapter 1702 (4)

Wushuang's tone was raised a little higher, Rushui's soft eyes were stained with a faint Ling Ling, and he looked straight at Guo Biqing.

"Auntie Tang, I don’t know what qualifications you have and what status you use to look down on my Xia family. Ignore my grandfather’s son-in-law Jing’s family and my husband’s Mu’s family. It’s just my grandfather Xia’s three-generation red door. My grandfather spent his entire life serving as a soldier, being upright, and following my grandfather to spread his blood for the family and the country. However, because of the wrong things my cousin did, he gave you a lot of tolerance, and you repeatedly came to the door to provoke and embarrassed my cousin. Jing Wushuang dared to ask Aunt Tang, are you deceiving me that there is no one in the Xia family?! There is no one in the Jing family or the Mu family?!"

"I think Aunt Tang would not think that the frog at the bottom of the well thought this S city was the only one from the Guo family and the Tang family?"

"I didn't..." Guo Biqing was blushing with Wushuang's words.

Guo Biqing has indeed been accustomed to being tall and defiant, but it is Wushuang that they didn't really care about Tang Mubai and Xia Ziwei for Tang Mubai's and Xia Ziwei's sake. If they really want to fight, they are naturally inferior to Jing Xiamu.

When the Xia family arrived, Xia Jingshan’s generation did not succeed, especially after Xia Jingshan retreated, Guo Biqing would often forget the real background of the Xia family.

To put it in conscience, Xia Ziwei's background is actually one point higher than her, but she often considers herself as an elder, and the things Xia Ziwei has done before, unconsciously often think she is superior.

After Wushuang, she was shocked to realize that Xia, Jing, and Mu are already grasshoppers on a rope because of Wushuang. These three families are all famous families in S City, and they are now connected as one. A stomping can shock City S for three days.

Especially Jing Wushuang in front of her was originally the jewel in the hands of the three old people. Especially after giving birth to her eldest grandson, she treated her like a jewel. She herself was deeply loved by Mu Jinchen. Offending her alone is equivalent to offending the three families. Everyone.

Although Jing Wushuang acted low-key and never attended any socialite activities in S City, everyone knew that she was the first socialite in S City.

This is why Guo Biqing dared to challenge Xia Ziwei, but did not dare to compete with Jing Wushuang.

In fact, Xia Ziwei's life experience is not much worse than Jing Wushuang.

"I used to respect you as an elder, and I didn’t want Tang Mubai to be difficult to do. Moreover, our Xia family’s daughter didn’t have to stick to your Tang family, so I didn’t discuss it with you. But I also ask Aunt Tang not to The concessions of others are taken for granted, and any tolerance is limited!"

In fact, talking to elders like this is extremely rude, and Wushuang is also the first time.

With her toes, she knew what happened in Huijing Bay, and because Guo Biqing had a conflict with the Xia family, she was not there, and because she respected Xia Ziwei's own ideas, Wushuang never came forward.

Now the cousin is lying on the operating table uncertain whether she is alive or dead. If she doesn't beat her, she might have another one.

If grandpa knew that his cousin was hurt so badly, how sad it would be.

"My cousin is fine. If there is a long and two shortcomings... you see if your son can live on his own, Godsend is bound to return to the summer garden."

"I don't know why you keep embarrassing our younger generations. It is not my cousin who haunts your son, but your son is not my cousin. I still say that, my Xia family's daughter does not worry about marrying!"

Wushuang V5, in fact, it is not uncommon for a self-respecting mother-in-law like Guo Biqing in real life. Jenny’s classmates have met such a superb mother-in-law...

(End of this chapter)

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