My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1711: Yuan Yuan's Taste

Chapter 1711 Yuan Yuan's Taste

Baby Yuan Yuan thought for a while and nodded seriously, "Baba, I think it's okay. Then what gifts are we going to buy for Ma Ma?"

"What do you think is good? Dad would like to hear Yuan Yuan's opinion."

Mu Jinchen put the small meat pier on the child seat in the back seat of the car, making sure that the seat belts are fastened before going to the cab to start the car.

Xiao Roudun put his round and white fingers on his lips, tilting his head and thinking hard.

Mu Jinchen swept through the rearview mirror, his thin lips curved in a nice arc.

"Baba, I am so beautiful, I think we can buy a very beautiful dress."

"But would it be inappropriate for us two men to buy girls' skirts?" Mu Jinchen also joined the discussion seriously.

The words "We two men" obviously pleased Yuan Yuanbao. He showed his white teeth and smiled with round apple muscles, which was very cute.

"Baba, our women are wearing very beautiful skirts, and we will also have a lot of face." Yuan Yuanbao swayed Bai Shengsheng's short legs and kicked the back of the chair from time to time.

Probably only this little guy can accept our woman Mu Jinchen.

"Dad has already prepared the clothes for my mother, do you think Yuanyuan is thinking about one?"

"Oh, Baba, I thought about it. Do you remember that Brother Godsend has a watch? Let's buy a watch for Ma Ma, so that he will think of us when he looks at the time, and then he won't work overtime." Yuan Yuan Eyes It's all bright, the more I think this is a good idea.

Mu Jinchen originally only teased his son to talk, and didn't really make him want a gift, but unexpectedly he really thought it seriously.

"It's a good idea. Let's go to the watch shop."

"Hmm..." Xiao Roudun, who felt that he had thought of a great idea, hummed a little song happily.

"I am your little apple, I can't love you too much..."

The curvature of Mu Jinchen's lips couldn't be eliminated.

The father and son arrived at Chenyu Square soon, and Mu Jinchen was too upset and put on his sunglasses specially.

"Baba, I want to wear this too." Yuan Yuan's little meat pointed at Mu Jinchen's sunglasses.

"I'll buy one for you later." Yuan Yuanbao has all kinds of accessories, but she really doesn't have sunglasses. In fact, it's good to buy one for sun protection.


Mu Jinchen took the little guy to the optical shop first, and went straight to the children's glasses area.

It was the first time Yuan Yuanbao saw so many beautiful glasses, but he saw a toad mirror with a big red frame. It was very cartoon and exaggerated.

Mu Jinchen frowned and frowned. Is his son's taste a little bit more publicized?

His slender fingers pointed at another ordinary low-key children's sunglasses, "Isn't this better?"

"Baba, your taste is not good, I like this." Yuan Yuanbao insisted on her opinion, and her little fleshy hand pointed to the big red toad mirror through the glass.

Whose taste is worse? Will this little guy choose a cartoon watch for Wushuang when he picks a watch?

"Thank you for showing me this."

There is no response.


"Oh oh oh, sorry, I'll get it for you right away..." The young waiter blushed and looked at the father and son, their eyes turned into stars.

Your father is luxurious and cold, but your son has a **** expression on your face. Together, the combination has become a new contrasting cute combination, which almost kills everyone's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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