My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1724: Big misunderstanding (6)

Chapter 1724 is misunderstanding (6)

Zhang Xiaowei laughed self-deprecatingly, "Self-respect? I have liked you for more than two years. I have not even dared to close my eyes for more than two years, because all I saw with my eyes were you. How do you make me respect yourself? ?"

"Let me respect myself, why didn't you say it when you were on the river? You didn't say it before you went to the presidential suite?"

Mu Yuhao squinted dangerously with peach blossom eyes, he suddenly understood why Jun Feifei liked him and didn't care about the reason for going forward.

Because Zhang Xiaowei also likes him, let love? well?

"Jun Fei Fei knows it too?"

"Know what?" Zhang Xiaowei felt that Mu Yuhao seemed a little more dangerous than just now.

"Know that you are obsessed with-me!"


"So you told her what happened on the river bank that day. You also told her that you liked me. Maybe there are other ways to make Jun Fei give up on me, or make her feel embarrassed to like me, is that right? "

Zhang Xiaowei's face turned pale and she shook her head suddenly, "No, it's not like that. You misunderstood. I told her that I like you, but I didn't use any means. She didn't like you. President Mu, she doesn't like you, why can't you try to accept me?"

Mu Yuhao probably already understood what was going on. He scanned Zhang Xiaowei coldly. He remembered that he had never given her any wrong information. He also remembered what Zhengming said she had done to Jun Fei. The color is even colder.

"Enough, whether she likes me or not, I know it myself. Even if she doesn't like me, accept you? Just rely on you?!" The tone is absolutely contemplative, Mu Yuhao is definitely a very gentleman, respecting any lady, But he couldn't respect the man in front of him.

"Jun Fei Fei that girl is innocent, doesn't mean you can take advantage of her and play her like a monkey! Miss Zhang, please don't let me find out what shameful things you did without her, otherwise..."

Mu Yuhao felt that there was no need to say the following words, and even felt uncomfortable to breathe air in the same space as her.

Zhang Xiaowei looked at his unfeeling back, tears streaming down unconsciously, why? How is she worse than Jun Fei? Why humiliate her like this? why?

Mu Yuhao, do you want Jun Fei? It depends on whether I agree or not.

Zhang Xiaowei wiped away his tears, took out his mobile phone and called Jun Feifei in the brisk tone.

"Faey, where are you?"

Jun Feifei saw Zhang Xiaowei's phone number that she didn't want to answer. She didn't even know where she was. She ran out after seeing that scene just now, and even forgot to drive the car.

"I made an appointment with a few friends for a drink, just came out." She did make an appointment with a few friends to drink in their true colors, otherwise, how could she have seen that scene.

"Where are you drinking? We are in our true colors, are you... coming here?"

Jun Fei Fei noticed that she was using us, and her big eyes dimmed when she looked at the light on the opposite side.

"No, I'm already out, you guys have fun."

"Well, that Fei Fei, he kissed me tonight, he actually kissed me, my heart is still beating very hard..."

Zhang Xiaowei's performance is full of a girl who is pregnant with spring falling into love. Jun Feifei's black and white eyes are darker.

Of course she knew that she had seen it with her own eyes. Mu Yuhao, a **** who was always in trouble, kissed her in the garden of Mu's house that day. If she wanted to marry her, she would kiss someone else in a blink of an eye, a whole tortoise bastard.

(End of this chapter)

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