My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1728: Bomb disposal (5)

Chapter 1728 Bomb Disposal (5)

Mu Yuhao looked at the silly little girl who was kissed with satisfaction, the slight "popping" sound of the lips of the two being separated, and the suspicious silver wire drawn out in the narrow and warming compartment gave rise to a kind of warning The ambiguous heartbeat speeds up.

"Do you know what a kiss is? It's a kiss. I did meet Zhang Xiaowei in my true colors just now, but I never kissed her, and it is impossible to kiss her."

Mu Yuhao rubbed the fluffy head in front of him with his big hands, just like he usually rubs Yuanyuan Baby, "Girl, I didn't want to tell you something, I'm afraid you will be sad. Zhang Xiaowei, what are you doing? I don’t know how it exists, but she is definitely not as simple as you think. Just like just now, if I guessed right, you should be behind me, I can’t see you, she faces you, so she deliberately approached me It’s easy to misunderstand from your point of view."

"Jun Fei Fei, I, Mu Yuhao, has a very high taste. Normal women can’t enter the eyes of my Dharma. You just make do with it. If a woman like Zhang Xiaowei doesn’t ask her for something, I won’t look at it. She glanced."

Looking at the completely quiet little woman in front of him, Mu Yuhao had to feel that sealing with a kiss was the most effective way to treat a woman. Look at how well-behaved the little girl is now.

However, Jun Fei Fei is a good one within three seconds.

"I look down on people? Mu Yuhao, you seem to have forgotten how you knew her, let me remind you, it was you who took the initiative to ask someone to open the house!" Jun Feifei didn't want to care about kissing or not. This incident is not the first time.

Mu Yuhao coughed lightly. This is really a big stain in his life. "I explained this to you long ago. It's not the same thing. I asked her out today because I wanted to know you. thing."

"Fei Fei, I don’t want to hide anything from you. I sent someone to check your life in Country D. I know what you experienced. Is it because Zhang Xiaowei saved you and knows she likes me? So I thought Push the boat along the river and let me give her back so that she can be a favor? Jun Fei Fei, who do you think of me, Mu Yuhao?"

Jun Feifei's eyes widened, why does he know everything?

"Mu Yuhao, do you send someone to check me?"

"This is not the point, okay? The point is why you surrendered me to Zhang Xiaowei? Huh? I said that I have a very high vision. I think you are already the lower limit. If you don't explain it clearly, you will be dead!"

Mu Yuhao pinched Jun Fei Fei's chin and stared at him viciously.

"Damn, Mu Yuhao, you don't need anything."

"Don't say some, I don't want anything!"

"Your face is gone."

Mu Yuhao, "..."

"Jun Fei Fei, I won't talk to you anymore. I said I would fix you a long time ago. I sent someone to check you not to invade your privacy. I just want to know the reason. Or, you tell me now, but you don’t say the most. I will also know in a month, but I just can’t wait to find Zhang Xiaowei, just to let you see her true face."

Jun Feifei scratched his head irritably. She was not sure about her feelings for Mu Yuhao before, but now that she was sure, she realized that she might not be so generous and watched him and Zhang Xiaowei together.

She would not tell Mu Yuhao that if he hadn't appeared early, she might have rushed to her true colors and dragged the person out within a few minutes.

"Girl, tell me exactly, I will deal with it, if you really owe her favor, I will pay it back!"

Don’t say Jun Fei Fei’s low EQ, you will know tomorrow, la la la la, Jenny will go to see the movie "Grave Notes", continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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