My Third Gentleman

Chapter 175: Stormy Sea (2)

Chapter 175 Stormy Seas (2)

Wushuang spoke very slowly, and his voice was plain, but it was heavy in Mu Jinchen and others' ears.

"You don't need to slander me. Your purpose is to prevent me from entering the summer garden in the future. I will not come in the future."

"You always say that I covet things from the Xia family, covet the Xia family. If I remember correctly, my mother has 49% of the Xia family's equity. Let me make a statement first. If my mother left me these equity, It wasn't stealing, it wasn't snatched, I just passed it down."

"Aunty, you often say that I don’t have my surname Xia. The Xia family has raised me for more than ten years. I have always wanted to say that you don’t have Xia. My grandfather surnamed Xia doesn’t call me a burden. My mother doesn't call me a cumbersome, and my uncle with the surname Xia doesn't call me a cumbersome. But what right do you have to call me?"

It is said that the person who knows herself best is your opponent. She has been fighting with Xia Ziwei for many years, how can she not see her purpose for doing this?

If it weren't for thinking of Grandpa, if it wasn't for the fear of Grandpa's uncomfortable feeling, she would not come back here either.

"Grandpa, uncle, Wushuang is not filial today. If Wushuang misses his grandpa and uncle in the future, I am afraid I can only ask you to move to Wushuang's residence."

Jing Wushuang's words were a little more imposing than usual, word by word scattered in every corner of the summer garden, more like a speech before parting.

It's time to say goodbye to everything in this summer garden. She was originally a sojourner here, and everything here didn't originally belong to her.

There were no complaints, no complaints, but a calm narration of the facts.

Wushuang's eyes flowed, the water-like star eyes swept over everyone present in turn, and when they turned to Mu Jinchen and Su Ran, their eyes warmed unexpectedly.

Finally, Wushuang pointed at Tang Mubai, "As for him, it should be the place that you care about the most. You said you fell in love with him first, and I didn't know it beforehand. At this point, you can't blame me, he really It's just a scumbag I met when I was young and ignorant. After recognizing this, I never thought of being involved with him at all, besides—"

Wushuang looked at Mu Jinchen's direction, and his eyes flowed like water, softly flashing, "I have a lot of eyesight now, I have Mr. Mu."

The girl left such a sentence, Mu Jinchen's Gu Jingbubo's eyes rippled, and the corners of his lips raised a soft arc.

This is Wushuang's own battlefield, her own stage, and her opening or closing should be led by herself.

Fortunately, the girl is soft, but not cowardly, pure and clean, but not ignorant of the world, clever and forbearing but indifferent and kind.

As he expected, he believed that girls have the ability to handle these things well.

Instead of keeping her under her wings, it is better to lead her to grow, so that she can always follow his steps further and further, forever.

And he only needs to be her strongest backing.

"I have Mr. Mu..."

This is probably the most beautiful words that Mu Jinchen has ever heard in her life, but she did not expect that she would say it in front of so many people under such circumstances.

He was very moved.

But Tang Mubai was sad, he felt that he was the biggest loser in this stage play.

In fact, as early as that year under the cherry blossom trees, in those short two months, he had already lost his whole heart.

Jenny desperately wrote two chapters, because you have to ride the car all day during the day, and the remaining two chapters are estimated to be tomorrow night. Is it worthy of everyone to vote, rate, and reward you... Jenny, you are brazen. Good night, everyone

(End of this chapter)

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