My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1762: Your first time? (1)

Chapter 1762 is your first time? (1)

In fact, everyone knows it, and it's just a joke. Xu Molian is a typical rabbit who doesn't eat grass on the edge of the nest, but his employees will not touch it.

"Mr. Xu, she is indeed a bit different from the girl who usually comes over. She was a little embarrassed just now, as if she had cried."

Xu Molian lifted her eyelids, her narrow eyes flashed with a faint light, "Really? I'll go up to comfort the beauty first."

After walking a few steps, he turned his head back, this will be a formal face, "Girls, we are a five-star hotel, pay attention to your quality."

The girls at the front desk stuck their tongues out, "We see, Mr. Xu!"

When Xu Molian walked briskly back to the room and swiped his card carefully, she saw a tall and slender figure standing by the window. He hooked his thin red lips and walked behind her, and suddenly hugged her.

Zhang Xiaowei was startled and struggled constantly.

"Are you smoking? What does it smell on you?" Xu Molian let go of Zhang Xiaowei without waiting for her to break free.

It took two steps back to see the woman in front of her. She was unkempt and wrinkled, as if she had just escaped from a refugee camp. Besides the smell of cigarettes, she had a strange smell all over her body.

His anger rose in an instant, but on the surface he only narrowed his narrow eyes slightly, "Why? Know that I like to be clean and want to escape the bed in this way? Then what do you think I am here for? ?"


The Sannomiya and Sixth Institutes kept changing bed partners. Zhang Xiaowei looked at him with determination, and the man in front of him was indeed worthy of the saying.

She smiled and shook her head, "No, it's just that something happened at home temporarily, and I accidentally made myself so embarrassed. I will go and take care of myself now."

Clean up...


Xu Molian looked at her faintly, her blushing lips pressed tightly, but she stopped talking.

He didn't go to the window to take out a cigarette and smoke it until there was a splash of water in the bathroom.

He himself likes to smoke, but he particularly hates the smell of tobacco that is not his own on women, and especially hates women smoking.

Maybe a certain woman's smoking style has been imprinted in his mind, deep into his bones, and he will always think of her unexpectedly when he smells the tobacco smell on a woman.

After a cigarette was over, Zhang Xiaowei also happened to come out of the bathroom, her face was not pink, and the water mist filled her eyes, her bright face was much more pure, completely different from the usual temperament.

Xu Molian put out the cigarette in her hand and walked over. Without a word, she pushed the person onto the bed, and kissed him hurriedly like a hairy boy.

Before coming, Zhang Xiaowei already knew what would happen, but when it really happened at this moment, he would still be at a loss.

The concealment on her body disappeared instantly, and Xu Molian's eyes were instantly reflected in Bingqing Yujie's body. He had seen so many women, and he had eaten so many women that he couldn't even count them. However, the beauty before him seemed to be Special attraction.

His lips gnawed all the way along the neck, all the way down...

Zhang Xiaowei was in pain, but she didn't dare to scream. She bit her lower lip tightly, grabbed the sheet nervously with both hands, and even curled up her toes...

Xu Molian felt her tension and let go, her voice dumbfounded, "It's not the first time left and right. Do you have to treat death like this?"


(End of this chapter)

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