My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1804: Re-encounter (2)

Chapter 1804 Reunion (2)

Zhang Xiaowei came to G City for half a month, and he has basically adapted to life here. Before, he was worried that Xu Molian would find her, basically it was two points and one line.

She has no friends here, and she didn't follow them out until she got acquainted with her colleagues today.

"Sister Xiaowei, not only do you look good, you have a good body, and you can dance so well, can you leave a way for other women to survive?"

Another young assistant who had just graduated from the office was dancing face-to-face dance with her, and from time to time he reached her ear and said a few words. They both looked very happy.

The inexperienced little girl regarded Zhang Xiaowei as an idol. She felt that she was beautiful, good tempered, and capable of working. In short, in her heart, Zhang Xiaowei was perfect in every aspect.

Zhang Xiaowei twisted his body skillfully and smiled at the little girl.

The face painted with smoky makeup reflects a fascinating beauty in the feasting and feasting, that smile, allure, blurred...

The little assistant flashed away, and she bet that the man who had seen this smiling face had to sink.

"Sister Xiaowei, you are so beautiful..."

As soon as the assistant spoke, he saw a man who looked more beautiful than a woman approached Zhang Xiaowei, and pulled him off the stage without saying a word.

"What are you going to do? Let go of Sister Xiaowei!" The assistant's reaction was faster than Zhang Xiaowei's, and he called out immediately.

"Hey, Brother Dong, Li Qingming is coming soon. Someone here is irrational to Sister Xiaowei."

Zhang Xiaowei was dragged all the way by Xu Molian, and she was completely stunned. She couldn't believe that she would meet him here if she was killed.

"Let go, I will go by myself!"

"Your credibility is bankrupt!" Xu Molian replied, pulling her out regardless.

"Who are you, let go of Sister Xiaowei!" Li Qingming and the others rushed over, ran in front of Xu Molian to intercept him, and at the same time grabbed Zhang Xiaowei's other wrist.

Xu Molian's eyes darkened, and the cold inside increased a bit, "Yes, it's only a few days, but the Guanyin soldiers are a lot more, remember what I told you?"

Zhang Xiaowei naturally remembered that he shouldn't have the slightest involvement with other men, otherwise he would want two of her hair if he moved her hair, and he would want two of him if he moved her one hand...

"Qingming, you let go first. This is my friend. We had some misunderstandings before. Just figure it out. You continue to play, ignore me, and remember to send Qingqing back later." Zhang Xiaowei was worried that he was innocent, so he had no choice but to do so. Say.

"They are my ordinary colleagues, I will go with you, don't embarrass them."

After Zhang Xiaowei finished speaking, he turned to the assistant and said, "Qingqing, if you don't have time to go to the company tomorrow, remember to ask for leave. By the way, the weekly report is in the drawer on the right side of my desk. You can hand it in for me."

"But Sister Xiaowei..."

Xu Molian snorted coldly, after all she had to wait for her to finish her words before pulling them away.

"Oh, what do I say, I picked up a big beauty so quickly, Yanfu is not shallow... Hey, I said brother, why did you leave like this? Don't introduce it? Hey..."

How could Xu Molian pay attention to Xiao Haitian, without saying anything, pulling Zhang Xiaowei out.

Zhang Xiaoyilu was dragged to the parking lot by him. Because she was wearing high heels, she almost fell over several times and resisted the pain in her feet.

Finally, she felt her body twisted, and her back pressed against the cold car window.

(End of this chapter)

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