My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1850: Storm (2)

Chapter 1850 Disturbance (2)

The atmosphere in the box also seemed to be a bit solemn, which was a bit of a feast for the family.

He hooked his thin lips and greeted generously, "Uncle Ling, long time no see." To Ling Rouer, he just nodded politely.

Ling Yingtian smiled amiably, like a goodwill ambassador, "Mo Lin, I haven't seen him for a long time, but I have met with Uncle Rouer. They are almost married, so you don't need to be so alien."

"My uncle Yoling came out this time mainly for business affairs, and has nothing to do with personal affairs." After Xu Molian sat down, she faintly pushed back.

Ling Rou'er got up decently and helped both of them add wine, smiling sweetly, as if those unpleasant things had never existed before.

"Lian, it's rare for us to get together, drink some wine to reminisce about the past, and we can talk about business later, I respect you!"

Ling Rouer drank from a toast and stared at Xu Molian.

Even if Xu Molian was unwilling to 10,000 people, Ling Yingtian's noodles would have to be dry, and he had to dry three cups and Ling Rouer had nothing to say.

"Uncle Ling, the loan procedure for the reconstruction of the old district is complete. It will benefit the development of City S without any harm, and it will improve the performance of your bank. You shouldn't get stuck there for public or private purposes?"

Xu Molian didn't want to waste time dealing with each other, so she went straight to business.

"Mo Lin, I used to think you would be your own person, so I often don’t follow the normal procedures, and the loan is also very fast. Of course, there is a part of my selfishness in this project, but how many eyes are staring at you in this project? I don’t know. Naturally, the review process must be strictly in accordance with the procedures. I have urged them to speed up the progress. I believe they will be able to go smoothly in three to five months. Don’t worry.”

Three to five months?

Xu Molian snorted coldly in her heart, no matter how complex a large-scale project is, two months are more than enough, and these three to five months are simply deliberately embarrassing.

He tapped his index finger on the table lightly, thinking about how to make a quick decision, only to hear Ling Yingtian talking again. "

"I heard Rou'er say that you were married? Why? Our Rou'er is not good? I always thought you would be a couple. Why didn't you say hello to your uncle when you got married? Not kind, not kind."

Xu Molian snorted again in her heart. He wants to get married and even his old man can't control him. What kind of green onion does he have to ask for his opinion?

"The love between me and Rou'er has always been only brother and sister, not the love of men and women. When I met the right woman, I immediately made up my mind to get the certificate. When the wine was presented, the invitation was naturally indispensable for Uncle Ling's copy."

His patience is running out, I hope this old fox doesn't polish it.

"Mo Lin, you really hurt Rou'er by saying this. If Xi'er is still there, maybe your children will all go to kindergarten. It's a pity, we Lao Ling doesn't have this blessing."

Ling Yingtian said that he would go around here.

"It's useless to say more about the established facts. If Uncle Ling is embarrassed, then I have to find another way. After all, there is more than one bank in the world that can lend. I have something to do, so I will leave first!"

Xu Molian’s patience was exhausted. Ling Yingtian was the first to find out when Ling Xier escaped from marriage, but did not stop it, because Han Beijue's influence was much larger than him. If not for the past few years, he had almost taken all of Han Beijue’s underground Yuan Yang is also constantly developing and expanding its territory, and this old fox will not tacitly approach Ling Rou'er.

(End of this chapter)

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