My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1864: solve

Chapter 1864 resolved

Zhou Changshu's mouth was already open enough to swallow duck eggs.

"You mean you are already married?"

Xu Molian felt that she did not need to answer the questions repeatedly.

Even if he didn't answer anything, Zhou Changshu was basically certain. Such a person didn't talk much, but it must be the case.

He swallowed and asked courageously, "Will it be because of Xiaowei's face to open the Internet?"

Xu Molian was watching him, Zhou Changshu knew, did he agree to it without denying it?

"The price of the house... can it be used as a bride price to raise a little bit?" Zhou Changshu compared his index finger.

At this time, Xu Molian reacted, and she murmured and repeated his words, "The bride price..."

Then he raised his hand and rubbed his chin. He didn't seem to have thought about this issue before. He and Ling Xi'er were the equivalent of a business marriage. You gave me a piece of land, and I gave you a sum of money to achieve this. Of these wedding gifts.

So he thought about this issue very seriously.

Zhou Changshu looked at him expectantly, the excitement in his small eyes overflowing with his watch.

"Well, if you move back then, I will directly give you a four-room house. The lot is worth more than five million yuan. The extra will be a dowry."

Zhou Changshu heard that it was worth five million. Although it was still far from his goal, it was still more than one million. It was better than nothing. He was gearing up to thank him, but Xu Molian said again, "But the house has you. Co-branded with Xiaowei's mother and cannot resell it. You can only live it yourself, and you must not cause trouble in the future. You must be a steadfast person, otherwise...

There is no need to say what Xu Molian said afterwards, Zhang Xiaowei said it well, it is better to put people in for a few days, and he will be honest immediately.

He knew about the situation in Zhang Xiaowei's family. His mother, stepfather, half-brother, and another half-brother's divorced sister took his niece. Four rooms were enough.

Zhou Changshu's face straddled, "It will be at least a few years before we move back? Then where do we live in the past few years? Or is it not a problem that we don't have a penny?"

Xu Molian gave him a condescending look and snorted, "Then you can stay there for a few years, and you can live in when you come out."

Zhou Changshu was so frightened that he waved his hands and shook his head quickly, "No, no, it's great, that's great."

"Don't worry, I will arrange where you live in the past few years. As long as you stay on your own and be honest, I will not trouble you, but if you still dare to harass Xiaowei..." Xu Molian pointed to his back , "You are welcome back here anytime."

Zhou Changshu's head shook like a rattle, "I dare not dare, I must be honest, I must..."

Xu Molian felt that what she wanted to say was almost done, so she took off her sunglasses and held it in her hand.

When Zhou Changshu saw a face that was more stunning than a woman, he was a little sluggish.

Xu Molian's eyes are the most annoying. What a big man can do if he is so beautiful.

He glanced at Zhou Changshu coldly, "I will make a small business for you to make a living. If you let me know that you are so lazy, you don’t have to go out. The inside will let you eat and sleep every day. !"

It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish. Simply giving some money is not enough. It is necessary to fundamentally solve the family's livelihood problem to avoid future troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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