My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1867: Follow-up

Chapter 1867 follow-up

Then there were thin kisses scattered on the top of Zhang Xiaowei’s hair, and the magnetic baritone floated into his ears——

"Let's have a wedding too."

Such words are tantamount to dropping a thousand-layer stone in Zhang Xiaowei's tranquil heart lake.

Suddenly, everything is in my heart.

She takes this place as her home, but she doesn't know if she can treat Xu Molian as her husband, because the contractual couple will have a day out.

"is this necessary?"

When she said these words, she obviously felt the temperature around her suddenly become cold.

Xu Molian never likes to be questioned about his words. Even if he said that, even if it was a notice, he thought that he was able to do this step is already a great gift to Zhang Xiaowei. It is a pity that people do not appreciate it.

"Get up."

There is no anger, but the tone is not warm, Zhang Xiaowei knows that he must have stepped on his reverse scale.

However, she didn't explain anything, she couldn't explain anything. In fact, it's better that after the marriage ended, no one would know that the person she married was Xu Molian.

This will help her lead a peaceful life in the future, but how can she tell Xu Molian?

She stood up silently, speechless for a moment, and the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward.

"Then I will go out first. By the way, the New Year is almost coming. What do I need to prepare?"

"No need, go out."

Xu Molian's attention has been turned to the document, and her tone is always cold. The warmth of the talent no longer exists, as if he had never said the phrase "wedding".

Zhang Xiaowei retired. In fact, she was a little regretful. Maybe she could say this in another way, and the atmosphere would not make it so embarrassing.

After Zhang Xiaowei went out, Xu Molian stared at the door thoughtfully.

She probably also thinks it's impossible for them to last forever, right?

This stupid woman doesn't know to please him? Be a little obedient to him, or use a little beauty or he will allow her for a lifetime?


Forget it, a lifetime is too long, let's do this for now.


Xu Molian has thoroughly investigated Zhou Changshu. She has no other skills, but because she loves to eat, she is good at cooking.

So he let Wu Tou set down a small restaurant, let Zhou Changshu take the lead, Xiao Wei's mother cashier, her sister and younger brother were in front of her, and two more cooks, handymen, etc., also supported the scale.

In addition, I found a nice three-bedroom and one living room in the nearby community, and Yingying also went to the best school nearby.

These were nothing but a piece of cake for Xu Molian, but they changed the fate of the family.

In a short period of time, Zhou Changshu's family was able to live and work in peace and contentment. Even with Zhou Zhibo, they seemed to be a lot more sensible and no longer be a gangster like before.

The family has a stable source of income, and is rich in food and clothing. It is an unprecedented unity.

The so-called ordinary couples are sad, all the previous problems in this family are just financial problems.

This is exactly what Xu Molian often said, the problem that money can solve is not a problem.

Zhang Xiaowei no longer knows what he is feeling after learning about it. Xu Molian has done everything she should do as a husband and son-in-law.

Perhaps it has been surpassed, and no one has done better than him.

Only then did Zhang Xiaowei see the gap between them. She had been filling this bottomless pit before, and she couldn't fill it enough, and there was no way to change them. But when Xu Molian took the shot, the cost was not too big and it was fundamentally resolved. problem.

(End of this chapter)

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