My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1875: New Year's Eve (3)

Chapter 1875 New Year's Eve (3)

Yuan Yuan Bao Dong Dong ran upstairs and went straight to his uncle's room, took off his dirty shoes and climbed up on the bed, then stood up and rushed to the uncle like a small cannonball.

Mu Yuhao was dreaming, and suddenly he had difficulty breathing. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by an extremely delicate, fleshy little face that looked like you.

Xiao Mengwa laughed so much that she was ashamed of sunflowers, "Xiao Shu, sleeping in is not good for your health, the sun is going to bask your buttocks, get up quickly."

Then, Xiong hugged his little uncle and blinked his big eyes hard, so innocent.

Mu Yuhao was already very angry when he got up, but he couldn't get angry anymore.

He embraced the little meat dumplings in his hands and slapped his mouth vigorously, "Yuan Yuan, did you steal ice cream?"

Xiao Mengwa blinked her eyes twice again, with a look of surprise, "Xiao Shu, you are so amazing, you even know this."

Mu Yuhao scratched his face twice, with a look of disgust, "There is still the smell of vanilla chocolate on his face, and I don't know if I eat it without wiping my mouth."

"Nonsense, Ma Ma obviously washed it for me."

"Oh, this has been discovered by Wushuang? Why, have you beaten your butt?" Mu Yuhao tapped his little **** twice again.

Yuan Yuanbao struggled, but Mu Yuhao refused, so he used his head against him, and then disliked him again, "Xiao Shu, you are so stinky, no wonder Aunt Fei Fei refuses to marry you."

"Who said that your aunt Feifei refused to marry me? She officially married me on your fourth birthday, and she will sleep in the same room with her uncle in the future, so you can't just come in like you do now."

Baby Yuan Yuan was uncomfortable on her stomach, her chubby body turned over and placed a "big" character beside Mu Yuhao.

Mu Yuhao touched the phone on the bedside table and pressed the shutter, recording the baby's cute growth.

"Why can't I come in anytime?" Yuan Yuanbao cooperated with him, posing a handsome posture, and asked curiously.

"Men and women sleep, you can't watch it naturally." Mu Yuhao clicked the shutter and took a few more pictures.

"No, I want to watch!"

Mu Yuhao Khan, no matter how strong the relationship between my uncle and you is, it is impossible for you to observe my bridal chamber with my daughter-in-law, Yuanyuan baby, please let the uncle go?

Mu Yuhao was too lazy to argue with Xiao Roudun, anyway, when the door was locked, he would definitely not be able to get in.

Turned over to get up and picked up the little guy by the way, let him ride on his shoulders, and ran a few laps in the bedroom.

Yuan Yuanbao laughed with joy, and suddenly forgot that he was going to observe Xiaoshu and Auntie's bridal chamber.

Wushuang and Mu Baichuan wrote about Huaichun downstairs, and both heard Yuan Yuanbao's laughter.

"Yuan Yuan went to make Hao'er again, right?"

Mu Baichuan is very old, and his hand holding the brush this year is not as secure as last year, and his writing is a bit skewed.

Wushuang took the Huaichun written by Mu Baichuan and put it aside to wait for the ink to dry.

"Yes, his father always has a serious face, so Yuanyuan naturally loves to make trouble with Yuhao."

"Wushuang, as soon as I went downstairs, I heard you talk ill of me with Grandpa." The man's gentle and magnetic voice came from the roundabout of the stairs.

Wushuang looked away, and the mature and steady man who was like a jade stood at the corner of the stairs, and the soft light passed through his side face from the window, just like a god.

The years did not leave too many marks on this man. On the contrary, he was more like old wine, the longer the years, the more mellow.

(End of this chapter)

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