My Third Gentleman

Chapter 266: Choose me or him (2)

Chapter 266 Choose me or him (2)

He replied in a good mood, "Then who do you choose?"

"I'm going, you are still in the mood to laugh? Hey, wouldn't he know that you are married to Wushuang?" Jun Xiang thought about it, and probably only one thing that can turn their faces away, and such The flame had been brewing for a long time, but it finally broke out today.

"He just came to block Wushuang and was punched by Wushuang. I chatted with him and he did know the news of my marriage to Wushuang. I don't want him to know it from others." Mu Jinchen explained simply and clearly. a bit.

"It's really like this. What did he do to make Jiao Didi Wushuang girl start?" Wushuang is notoriously good-tempered and well-educated, forcing her to do it. Tang Mubai should have done a lot. Excessive behavior.

"Anyway, these are the things, don't ask, Tang Mubai just put down the cruel words, and probably will do something unexpected, you can help watch it when you have time."

"The two of you really worry me to death. I'm almost becoming a confidant big sister. Are you sensible?"

Jun Xiang is really the first two big men. It doesn't matter if men are linked to money. The most feared thing is to link up with women. The iron relationship has to be turned. The left side is the brother and the right is also the brother. He is really worried.

"Believe me, you've always been a confidant big sister, all right, don't scream, I'm fine here, just watch him. If you really want to do anything to me, you just need to be neutral and don't be embarrassed."

Jun Xiang is not him. He and Tang Mubai are acquainted with each other in general. If there is no Jun Xiang in the middle, he probably won’t have too much contact. Jun Xiang is different. He really treats them as brothers, and he doesn’t want him to be around. Embarrassed.

"I'm neutral, what kind of friendship is between my little wild cat and your Wushuang? If I don't support you, she will kick me out of the door."

If there is someone in this world who can make Jun Xiang jealous, this person is unparalleled. The fact that his girlfriend is a man's biggest love rival is vividly reflected in Jun Xiang.

Hearing such jealous remarks, and at the same time losing a man's face, Mu Jinchen's lips were rarely lifted, and only he was the only one who said such disgraceful things so openly.

"You can figure it out by yourself, it's like that anyway, I'm dead."

"Oh, you are really worried about this young master."

Ignoring Jun Xiang's complaint, Mu Jinchen just hung up the phone, put some money on the table, and got up and went to the coffee shop.

In the following afternoon, Mu Jinchen and Wushuang were busy with each other and did not mention this matter again.

It wasn't until an hour before leaving get off work that Wushuang received a WeChat reminder from Mu Jinchen that he would go to the hospital to see his grandpa at that point.

Wushuang took a look at the time, probably avoiding the rush hour, and replied "See you in the parking lot in ten minutes", then started to clean up the desk, went to Director Lu's office and greeted her before leaving.

The colleagues in the office were very curious about the relationship between Wushuang and Mu Jinchen, but under the coercion of Director Lu, they all swallowed their stomachs. Even her assistant Xiaotang didn’t even ask her a question, but everyone’s attitude towards her became more and more serious. Respectfully, Wushuang is not happy to see it, but he is too lazy to say anything deliberately.

There is still more than an hour before the rush hour, and the road is still smooth. Mu Jinchen wanted Wushuang to close his eyes and rest.

(End of this chapter)

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